Where is the best way to put perfume?

Where is the best way to put perfume? Spray it onto your pulse points. It's places like the inside of your wrists, inner elbows, below your belly button, behind your ear lobes, and the back of your knees. These warm spots on your body emit extra body heat, which helps to naturally diffuse a scent.

How do you make perfume last longer?

7 Ways to Make Your Perfume Last Longer With Body Care
  1. Cleanse and Moisturize With Unscented Body Wash and Body Lotion. ...
  2. Or, Use Body Wash and Body Lotion With Scents That Match Your Perfume. ...
  3. Apply Perfume to Your Pressure Points and Don't Rub In. ...
  4. Apply Perfume to Your Pulse Points.