Where is the Big Five safari?

Where is the Big Five safari? South Africa: Kruger National Park & Private Reserves, Eastern Cape & Madikwe. Long a stronghold of the Big 5, South Africa offers perhaps Africa's most reliable Big 5 sightings in the private reserves that border the Kruger National Park, itself a famous Big 5 hotspot.

What is the Big 4 safari?

About Big Four hunting Once upon a time there was the Big Five, a list of the most dangerous and desirable game animals in Africa: Rhino, Elephant, Lion, Leopard and Buffalo.

What is the Big 7 in Africa?

LLion, leopard, rhino, elephant and buffalo…and Southern Right whales and Great White sharks. With two-thirds of our country surrounded by coastline, a trip to South Africa is not complete without seeing Southern Right whales and Great White sharks.

What is the rare 5 safari?

Africa's Rare 5 not seen in “usual” safaris: pangolin, aardvark, aardwolf, meerkats, rhino, cheetah & more. Intimate encounters with playful meerkats. Rare pangolin, aardvark & aardwolf, normally nocturnal, visible days.