Where to park car for Cinque Terre?

Where to park car for Cinque Terre? There are only a few parking lots in Cinque Terre and you will often find them at the entrance or outside the villages. Only Monterosso has parking lots in the city center. An other posibility is to park in the nearby town of Levanto and take the train to Cinque Terre.

Is it possible to walk from Riomaggiore to Manarola?

The walk from Riomaggiore to Manarola is no easier than the other way, it took us about the same time both ways, although coming back was at a hotter time and after a full days activity. If you are up to it, do it, if you have doubts, don't try it.

Which Cinque Terre town to skip?

You have to skip Corniglia situated on top of a cliff 100 metres above sea level. If you are limited on time, take the train between the villages.

How long is the train ride between the towns of Cinque Terre?

How long does it take to get between towns in the Cinque Terre on the train? From La Spezia to Riomaggiore is 10 minutes. And between the actual Cinque Terre towns, it's less than 5 minutes.

Is La Spezia a good base for Cinque Terre?

The accommodations are cheaper in La Spezia than if you were to stay in Cinque Terre, and the roads are a lot easier to navigate with luggage! La Spezia makes a great home base for your northern Italy / Cinque Terre adventures!

How do you get from village to village in Cinque Terre?

There are basically three ways to move from one village to another; you either walk, take the train or the boat.

Why is Manarola famous?

Manarola has brightly painted houses, priceless medieval relics and a tiny harbour that features a boat ramp and a swimming hole; to the north, on the way to Corniglia, there's a stunning viewpoint (Punta Bonfiglio) where visitors can enjoy a drink in a bar between the village's cemetery and the sea.

Is Cinque Terre overcrowded?

Overtourism is a growing phenomenon that our own research indicates affects almost 100 destinations around the world so far, but there are few places in Europe where the problem is so clearly visible as Cinque Terre, on Italy's resplendent Ligurian coast.

Why is Cinque Terre so expensive?

Shopping and prices The Cinque Terre is not cheap. As everywhere in the world, tourism has raised prices. I often go to the market of La Spezia to shop for food, it's much cheaper than the stores of the villages. In restaurants, you have to expect Western European prices.

Is it worth staying in La Spezia for Cinque Terre?

The accommodations are cheaper in La Spezia than if you were to stay in Cinque Terre, and the roads are a lot easier to navigate with luggage! La Spezia makes a great home base for your northern Italy / Cinque Terre adventures!

Can you drive into Monterosso?

Only taxis can drive through. You cannot drive through the village from one side to the other. So, if you take the wrong direction, you will have to drive back uphill to get to the other side! Now you should know everything on how to get to Monterosso by car.

What is the most beautiful part of the Cinque Terre?

The most beautiful Cinque Terre town from above is Vernazza – projecting to the sea on a rocky cliff, its tightly packed houses and medieval tower look almost surreal when arriving from Corniglia on foot.