Which airlines have Epipens on board?

Which airlines have Epipens on board? This is not the first severe food allergy reaction to take place during a flight. Since 2003, the FAA has required all airlines to carry epinephrine in their onboard medical kits.

Do airlines have EpiPen?

This is not the first severe food allergy reaction to take place during a flight. Since 2003, the FAA has required all airlines to carry epinephrine in their onboard medical kits.

Can you bring an EpiPen on Southwest airlines?

Yes. We strongly suggest that you bring all your medication onboard in your carryon bag or personal item.

Which airlines carry EpiPens?

Since 2003, the FAA has required all airlines to carry epinephrine in their onboard medical kits.

Does Delta have EpiPens on board?

You're welcome to board early and clean your seat area in case of traces of allergens but you must bring your own cleaning materials. We also recommend that if you have a significant allergic reaction, you bring appropriate medications on board (e.g. EpiPen®).

How do you travel with anaphylaxis?

If you are at risk of a severe allergic reaction while you are away, carry an adrenaline (epinephrine) injector such as an EpiPen® or Anapen®, a mobile phone and an Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) Travel Plan for people at risk of anaphylaxis.

What happens if you have anaphylaxis on a plane?

If adrenaline is available in the form an ampoule, a needle and syringe are required and flight crew rely on a doctor or nurse being on the flight (as passengers) to have it administered in an emergency.