Which country has the best transportation system in Europe?

Which country has the best transportation system in Europe? 1. Switzerland. Tucked inside the small but incredibly beautiful country of Switzerland is one of the most efficient and scenic rail networks in the world.

What is the best transportation in Europe?

Trains in Europe Trains might be the easiest way to travel around Europe, and one of the reasons is because you can visit multiple countries with just one rail pass. With the Eurail Global Pass, you'll have access to unlimited and borderless travel without needing to book several tickets per destination.

Which US city has the best transportation?

Let's get started!
  1. New York City, New York. It's no surprise that New York City has the best mass transit system in the country. ...
  2. Boston, Massachusetts. ...
  3. San Francisco, California. ...
  4. Los Angeles, California. ...
  5. Washington, D.C. ...
  6. Chicago, Illinois. ...
  7. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ...
  8. Miami, Florida.

Which richest country in Europe has free transport?

And after being crowned European Green Capital 2023, Tallinn is far from resting on its laurels so far as clean transport and other aspects of urban life go. Here's what it's making possible. Europe's richest country made public transport free: Could other countries do the same?

What is the safest public transportation in Europe?

Rail and air travel are the safest modes per distance travelled, followed by bus. The passengers of trains, bus/coach and planes within the EU have the lowest fatality risk per passenger kilometre.