Which Disney Princess is depressed?

Which Disney Princess is depressed? Elsa. Elsa, the Ice Queen, the sister with magical power from Frozen suffered from Major depressive disorder. She was unable to control her emotions which later hurt her younger sister Anna.

Are there any autistic Disney characters?

Disney villains show many autistic traits. Malificent, Scar and Ursula are reclusive introverts with very poor social skills, often not invited to places because they don't fit in and are often disliked for their eccentricities.

Does Tinkerbell have a mental disorder?

Peter Pan's pixie, Tinkerbell, experience prominent changes in mood, delusional ideas about winning Peter's love, and notions about pixie dust and flying which may be seen as hallucinations outside of Never Land. Tinkerbell possesses all the traits of an individual who suffers from Borderline mental disturbance.

What cartoon character has schizophrenia?

Throughout her journey in Wonderland, Alice sees talking animals and a hookah-smoking caterpillar, which falls under the common schizophrenia symptoms of hallucinations and delusions. She imagines a drink that makes her smaller in size and is tortured by the Queen of Hearts.