Which guestroom should be cleaned first?

Which guestroom should be cleaned first? Clean Bedroom Areas First For minimal bacteria transfer, clean and tidy the bedroom area before cleaning the bathroom. Plus, the sight of a neat bed can help you feel accomplished and motivated to tackle the rest of your cleaning checklist.

What is the first 5 steps in rooms cleaning?

How to Clean Your Bedroom in an Hour for a More Restful Space
  • Step 1: Take Out Trash. ...
  • Step 2: Pick Up Dirty Clothes. ...
  • Step 3: Put Away Clean Clothes. ...
  • Step 4: Strip Your Bed. ...
  • Step 5: Clear Surface Clutter. ...
  • Step 6: Wipe Surfaces Clean. ...
  • Step 7: Dust Curtains and Light Fixtures. ...
  • Step 8: Wipe Down Windows and Mirrors.

What is the first step in cleaning the guest room?

The first step is to sort through everything and get rid of anything that is not needed. This will help to declutter the work area and make it easier to find things. Once everything is sorted, it is time to set it in order. This means putting everything in its proper place so that it can be easily found and used.