Who runs Welsh Railways?

Who runs Welsh Railways? Transport for Wales Rail Limited, branded as Transport for Wales and TfW Rail (Welsh: Trafnidiaeth Cymru and TrC Trenau), is a Welsh publicly owned train operating company, a subsidiary of Transport for Wales (TfW), a Welsh Government-owned company.

Which government Privatised the railways in the UK?

In 1993, Margaret Thatcher had already sold off many of our public assets - energy, water, buses - but she thought the railway was 'a privatisation too far' and the public agreed. However the Conservative manifesto in 1992 promised to privatise the railway and Prime Minister John Major went for it.

Who funds transport for Wales?

Our income comes from from the Welsh Government via remit grant and, for activities reflected in our remit letter, passenger revenue, other income sources such as European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and local authorities.