Why do I get sick everytime I go on vacation?

Why do I get sick everytime I go on vacation? A weakened immune system “When you travel,” says Dr. Oza, “your usual routines are disrupted. You may not be sleeping as well as you do at home, and your eating habits change when you're away. You may be staying up later, consuming more alcohol and getting less exercise than usual.

Why do I get a sore throat when I travel?

Airplanes can be breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses, from cramped conditions to the low humidity that characterizes the air circulating on board. Low humidity can dry out your nasal passages and irritate your throat.

How did I gain 10 pounds on vacation?

Water weight is the most common cause of the scale increasing. And if you've eaten out a lot on vacation, then you can blame the extra salty foods you ordered. But sodium isn't the only nutrient that can increase water retention. There's a major macronutrient you eat every day that causes excess water gain: carbs.

Does vacation weight come off fast?

There's no need to restrict your food or over-exercise, just get back to normal and drink some extra water, she said. The excess fluid will come off over the next few days and you'll be right back on track.

How long does it take your body to recover from vacation?

The survey results show that it takes three days to fall back into a regular routine after a week abroad and four days for two weeks off. Jet-lag can cause several restless nights when returning from vacation, and it can take up to two nights to recover a regular sleep schedule.