Why do my legs swell on vacation?

Why do my legs swell on vacation? “As we travel, we tend to eat in restaurants, eat snacks, and consume other processed foods high in salt. This will raise our salt level in our body, increasing the fluid and again contributing to dependent edema [leg swelling].”

Why do I get puffy when I travel?

Leg and foot swelling during air travel is common and typically harmless. The most likely culprit is inactivity during a flight. Sitting with your feet on the floor for a long period causes blood to pool in your leg veins. The position of your legs when you are seated also increases pressure in your leg veins.

How do I stop my legs and feet from swelling on holiday?

10 Ways to Prevent Swollen Feet During Travel
  1. Drink Water Throughout Your Travels. ...
  2. Watch Your Diet and Avoid Salty Foods. ...
  3. Reach for a Pair of Compression Socks. ...
  4. Stretch Your Legs on Long Flights. ...
  5. Give Your Feet a Seated Workout. ...
  6. Stow Bags Overhead to Maximize Legroom. ...
  7. Don't Cross Your Legs.

How do I get rid of my vacation water weight?

Make sure you get to bed early when you're back, and stick to a strict sleep schedule over the first few days home. These act as a natural diuretic, which will help you strip that water weight quickly. You should expect to use the bathroom more, but just know that's all the extra weight going down the drain.

Why am I retaining water on vacation?

Water Retention Woes When you eat saltier foods that you are used to, and/or drink less water, your body will retain what water it has in order to keep/restore the balance. Secondly, an increase in your intake of carbohydrates, especially if you were limiting them before your vacation.