Why is San Diego beach water cold?

Why is San Diego beach water cold? It's a pretty simple idea. Wind and currents pull the warmer water at the top (warmed by the famous San Diego sunshine of course) away from the beach and that water is replaced by colder water from the bottom of the ocean floor.

Why is Hawaii water warm?

Ocean currents in the Subtropical Gyre transport cooler waters from the northeast Pacific to the west and south, warming as it moves to the subtropical Pacific and the vicinity of Hawai'i. Similarly, warm water from the western subtropical Pacific is transported towards Japan, cooling as it moves northward.

Are California beaches too cold to swim in?

But on that same beach, it's not uncommon to see kids shivering as they run out of the water, or a surfer wearing a partial wetsuit as they jog out for a session. California's ocean water is pretty cold, even in the summer, and it often catches visitors off-guard.

Why are California beaches colder than Atlantic beaches?

The movement of Alaskan and northern ocean currents southward down the west coast results in much cooler ocean temperatures than at comparable latitudes on the east coast of the United States, where ocean currents come from the Caribbean and tropical Atlantic.