Why would a plane fly at 29000 feet?

Why would a plane fly at 29000 feet? It has to do with fuel efficiency as well as ability to get above weather. Jet engines are more efficient at higher altitudes so if that aircraft flew the same route at 20k feet it could burn twice as much fuel.

Who owns the airspace at 60000 feet?

In the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has the sole authority to regulate all navigable airspace exclusively determining the rules and requirements for its use.

Can you hear a plane at 30 000 feet?

For example, the speed of sound at 30,000 feet is about 670 miles per hour, but an aircraft must travel at least 750 miles per hour (Mach 1.12, where Mach 1 equals the speed of sound) for a boom to be heard on the ground.

How high can a fly fly before it dies?

Most insects can fly as long as they are in air that's about fifty degrees Fahrenheit, or warmer. If the air temperature at ground level is about seventy degrees, insects have about thirty-six hundred feet before they hit the ceiling and it's too cold. On ninety-degree days, that border is at about six thousand feet.

What ocean can you not fly over?

Jet streams, which are a system of air currents that circle the Earth many miles above the planet's surface, are another reason why aircraft don't fly over the Pacific Ocean. Due to Earth's rotation, these air currents often move from West to East.

Can a plane fly at 300000 feet?

white was the first pilot to fly any aircraft faster than mach 4, 5 and 6, as well as the first to fly above 200,000 and 300,000 feet. he set the only official world record of the X-15 program when he flew to 314,750 feet on July 17, 1962, a fédération aéronautique internationale altitude record that still stands.

What would happen if you jumped out of a plane at 30000 feet?

- It would be virtually impossible to survive ejection from an airplane at 30,000 feet. - A rapid drop in oxygen and extraordinarily cold conditions would be just two of the deadliest consequences. - People have been sucked through holes in airplanes before, but skilled pilots can often save the day.

Why do planes not fly directly over the Pacific Ocean?

Most flights are intended to spend as little time as possible over water, since storms are more common over the ocean than on land. An aircraft would not be safe to fly over the Pacific Ocean due to the stormy weather and frequent lightning strikes that occur there.

What can fly at 80000 feet?

Can you fly at 80000 feet? The US Air Force U-2 reconnaissance aircraft flies at 72 000 feet almost every day for many hours. The world's fastest manned aircraft, the SR-71, flew for many years at 80 000 feet and higher.

What happens if a plane flies too high?

Aerodynamic altitude: If a commercial airliner flies too high, it will encounter less dense air passing over the wings to create lift. This can cause the plane to stall and fall out of control. Depending on the weather conditions and aircraft weight, this can occur anywhere between 40,000 and 45,000 feet.

Why can t you fly from america to australia?

The primary reason airplanes don't fly over the Pacific Ocean is because curved routes are shorter than straight routes. Flat maps are somewhat confusing because the Earth itself isn't flat. Rather, it's spherical. As a result, straight routes don't offer the shortest distance between two locations.

Can planes fly at 100000 feet?

A: No commercial or business airplane flying today can exceed 100,000 feet. Special rocket-powered airplanes can fly over 100,000 feet to gather data, but they are specially designed for it.

How high can a plane fly without oxygen?

And that at cabin altitudes above 14,000 feet pilots must use oxygen at all times. And that above 15,000 feet each occupant of the aircraft must be provided supplemental oxygen. All of this is spelled out in Federal Aviation Regulations Part 91.211.

What do pilots see when flying?

Whether flying at night or during the day, pilots need to see some kind of horizon. They use this to determine the airplane's attitude. At night pilots will turn their gaze from outside to inside and use the artificial horizon. The artificial horizon is normally a simply globe split into two hemispheres.

Why don t planes fly over Antarctica?

Thanks to the low visibility and undeveloped infrastructure, flying over Antarctica is extremely difficult. Specifically, because of the strong magnetic fields that surround the polar regions, navigating there, no matter how well-equipped the airplane is in terms of instrumentation, can be particularly challenging.