Unfortunate Horse Mishap: Red Dead Redemption 2 Player's Hilarious Loss

In a comedic twist of events, a Red Dead Redemption 2 player found themselves parting ways with their cherished horse in an unexpected manner. Red Dead Redemption 2, a highly acclaimed game of the PS4 and Xbox One era, boasts an impressive Metacritic score of 97. Launched in 2018, the game garnered numerous accolades, particularly for its captivating storyline and voice acting.

Within the world of Red Dead Redemption 2, horses hold a pivotal role, even featuring gameplay elements centered around players tending to their equine companions. The game offers a variety of horse breeds, with some proving superior to others; notables include the Arabian and Missouri Fox Trotter. However, as in any realistic world, horses can meet their demise in Red Dead Redemption 2, a fate that befell one fan in a truly amusing manner.

A Reddit user, going by the name Monolith_boi, shared a video clip capturing this incident, which seems to involve a glitch within Red Dead Redemption 2. In the video, the player maneuvers their horse into a fence, triggering an unexpected sequence. This maneuver launches them skyward due to the glitch, and as they come back down, they land on the very same fence. The result? A fall that ends in their character's demise. While Monolith_boi found the occurrence amusing, they also confirm the regrettable outcome: the loss of their favored in-game horse.

Surprisingly, reactions in the comments section reflect a diversity of sentiments. One user expresses astonishment at Monolith_boi's choice, as they assert that Morgan is arguably the worst horse in Red Dead Redemption 2. Monolith_boi counters that Morgan had been their trusty companion throughout much of the game, frequently coming to their rescue during critical moments. Conversely, some players prefer a heightened sense of immersion in the Red Dead Redemption 2 world, potentially making such losses even more poignant. A humorous comment alludes to back pain from watching the video, while others share anecdotes of their own equine mishaps within the game.


  • Red Dead Redemption 2
  • player
  • favorite horse
  • glitch
  • gameplay
  • funny incident
  • immersion
  • horse mechanics