American Woman Arrested in Australia with Undeclared 24-Carat Gold-Plated Handgun

An American woman was arrested by the Australian Border Force (ABF) on Sunday after landing in Sydney with an undeclared 24-carat gold-plated handgun in her luggage. The woman, whose identity has not been disclosed, was charged under section 233BAB(5) of the Customs Act 1901, which prohibits the importation of firearms, among other dangerous items. If found guilty, she could face up to 10 years in prison.

According to ABF Commander Justin Bathurst, the pistol was detected using "sophisticated detection technology" at Sydney Airport. He commended the ABF officers for their consistent efforts to prevent illegal and hazardous goods from entering Australia.

Australia has very strict gun regulations, with a buy-back program implemented in 1996 after a mass shooting that killed 35 people. The woman has been released on bail but is subject to visa restrictions pending the court proceedings.

Competitive sports shooters and hunters from the United States who wish to bring firearms to Australia are required to obtain permission from the government before their flight. The U.S. State Department has not yet provided a comment on the matter.

In conclusion, the incident highlights the strict gun laws in Australia and the severity of consequences for those who attempt to bring firearms into the country illegally. The ABF's successful detection of the handgun underscores the importance of border security measures in protecting citizens and maintaining public safety.


  • Australia
  • America
  • Australian Border Force
  • American woman
  • Justin Bathurst
  • ABF
  • Sydney Airport