Are there gluten free beignets at Disneyland?

Are there gluten free beignets at Disneyland? Ordering directly with a cast member will give you the opportunity to verify current ingredients, including any seasonal flavors. Plus, you will avoid cross-contamination by cast members serving both drinks and beignets. Sadly, there are no gluten-free beignets at Disneyland, but you can find them at Disney World!

Does Disney have gluten free beignets?

Yes, Scat Cat's Club – Cafe at Disney's Port Orleans Resort - French Quarter has gluten-free beignets! When you arrive, walk up to the counter and ask for the gluten-free beignets, and they will ask you what dipping sauce you want.

Are the turkey legs at Disney gluten-free?

There are two things you can eat here that are not burgers, fries, pizza and chicken nuggets. You can get Turkey Legs at the Turkey Leg Cart in Frontierland. Turkey legs at Walt Disney World ARE gluten free!