Can I use my 60+ Oyster card to Luton Airport?

Can I use my 60+ Oyster card to Luton Airport? Can I use my Oyster card from London to Luton Airport? No. Luton Airport Parkway station and Luton Airport are outside the London fare zones so you can't use an Oyster card to travel here.

Can I use my 60+ Oyster card to Gatwick Airport?

You can use it on Southern and South Western trains to and from anywhere in London. It is not valid beyond Gatwick, and there are no readers at the stations for you to touch on or off with.

Can I use my 60+ Oyster card to Stansted Airport?

Passengers are not able to use Oyster cards or contactless payment cards on the Stansted Express services to Stansted Airport. It is advised that passengers book tickets in advance or, alternatively purchase tickets at the train station. By booking in advance you are able to save money on their journeys.

Where and when can I use my 60+ Oyster card?

The 60+ Oystercard allows Londoners to travel for free on TfL services from 09:00 weekdays, as well as anytime on weekends and bank holidays. It also allows holders of the pass to travel for free after 9:30am on National Rail services within London on weekdays and anytime on weekends and bank holidays.

How far outside of London can I use my 60+ Oyster card?

The 60+ Oystercard allows Londoners to travel for free on TfL services from 09:00 weekdays, as well as anytime on weekends and bank holidays. It also allows holders of the pass to travel for free after 9:30am on National Rail services within London on weekdays and anytime on weekends and bank holidays.

How far out of London can I use Oyster?

You can use Oyster Pay As You Go in London on all suburban trains stopping in Zones 1 – 9 and journeys to: Broxbourne, Rye House, St. Margarets, Ware and Hertford East. Gatwick Airport.

What is the cheapest way to get from Luton to London?

The cheapest option between Luton Airport and London are the Luton Airport bus services. The stops in London are also in all probability going to be much nearer your accommodation than the main alternative train service.