Can I wear a vest in Egypt?

Can I wear a vest in Egypt? Don't wear shorts and vests or tank tops. Egypt is a predominately Muslim country and even non-Muslims there are quite conservative. Therefore generally revealing clothing are not recommended. This does not apply if you are visiting Red Sea towns like Sharm-El-Sheikh, Dahab, Marsa Alam and Hurghada.

What do Egyptians use instead of toilet paper?

Besides that, the plumbing in Egypt isn't always set up to accommodate balls of toilet paper. Egyptians prefer to use a shatafa, a little bidet sprayer, which may be attached to the toilet bowl or the wall via a small hose. A knob allows the user to turn on the spray of water and get things nice and clean down there.

Is tramadol illegal in Egypt?

Tramadol is listed by Egyptian authorities as an outlawed drug given its wide use as a heroin substitute.

Can I bring my phone to Egypt?

Mobile phones are widely used across the country at cheap rates. You can only use your mobile phone if you have a roaming facility, and don't forget there is always an extra roaming surcharge. If you want to avoid high cost we recommend using an Egyptian SIM.

What do you wear in Egypt at night?

If you're traveling outside of winter, don't underestimate the cool change that can come in the evenings, especially if you spend the night in the desert or on a Nile cruise. A light fleece or jacket should be sufficient to keep you warm on Egypt's chillier nights.

What are the unspoken rules in Egypt?

Avoid eating communal food with your left hand, as this hand is generally reserved for personal hygiene. Only the right hand is used when eating food with one's hands. Alcohol is generally not offered nor is it consumed with food. Only offer alcohol to your Egyptian counterpart if you know that they consume it.

Are sleeveless tops OK in Egypt?

Men. Pants, t-shirts, and long-sleeve shirts are acceptable as clothes to wear in Egypt. Avoid wearing shorts or sleeveless shirts to fit in with local customs.

What injections do I need for Egypt?

Yes, some vaccines are recommended or required for Egypt. The CDC and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for Egypt: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, yellow fever, rabies, meningitis, polio, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis), chickenpox, shingles, pneumonia and influenza.

Do I need to bring my own toilet paper to Egypt?

Toilet paper - You can always buy toilet paper while there or take some from your hotel. If you're particularly worried about hygiene, also bring your travel toilet seat covers. Note - don't flush anything down the toilet in Egypt, not even toilet paper.

What do you wear to the pyramids?

The best clothing to wear for visiting the pyramids in Egypt would be airy clothes like loose dresses or pants, a loose fitting shirt or blouse with long sleeves and comfortable shoes.

Can I show my shoulders in Egypt?

As a rule of thumb, especially for women, chest, shoulders, and knees should be covered at all times when not at beach resorts. You can still stay relatively cool by taking a tip from the ancient Egyptians and wearing light, breathable fabrics like linen.

Are there any clothing restrictions in Egypt?

Pants, t-shirts, and long-sleeve shirts are acceptable as clothes to wear in Egypt. Avoid wearing shorts or sleeveless shirts to fit in with local customs. Men do not need a head-covering scarf to enter mosques.

What shoes do you wear to the pyramids?

There are lots of stones, rocks and other objects which you can accidently kick when you visit the pyramids in Egypt. Sandals also don't offer any support for your feet or ankles. A good pair of leather walking shoes or a pair of good quality breathable trainers are far more suitable for visiting the pyramids.

Should I carry my passport with me in Egypt?

In Egypt, carry your passport with you: you'll need it to register at hotels, change money at banks, and possibly to show at police checkpoints. If travelling for any length of time, it may be worth registering with your embassy in Cairo, which will help speed things up if you lose your passport.

Can I wear my hair out in Egypt?

If you would like to cover your head with a scarf, and some women do, that's fine. However, you will not be judged or looked down upon for leaving your head uncovered during your Egypt tours. Usually, the tourists who choose to cover their hair are the ones with very light, blonde hair.

Are short dresses allowed in Egypt?

A shirt/t-shirt with a pair of loose pants would be ideal. Capri pants, maxi dresses, or even shorts would work too, as long as the shorts are cut long (knee length). Dresses or skirts are fine… unless you are planning on riding a horse or camel!

What should a woman know before traveling to Egypt?

Most important, dress conservatively. Bare arms and legs will indicate that you are the loose Westerner of their imagination, and you will find the level of harassment increasing commensurately. Tight jeans and tops are better than shorts and a tank top, but not by much.

Do you need malaria tablets to go to Egypt?

Yes, some vaccines are recommended or required for Egypt. The CDC and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for Egypt: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, yellow fever, rabies, meningitis, polio, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis), chickenpox, shingles, pneumonia and influenza.

Can I take ibuprofen to Egypt?

For travelers wondering, “Can I take ibuprofen, Tylenol, and Imodium to Egypt?”: simple over-the-counter medications (medications not requiring a prescription), like vitamins, allergy medications, Advil, anti-diarrheal medications, etc., are generally allowed in Egypt in the dosage travelers will need during their trip ...