Can you take luggage on buses in Japan?

Can you take luggage on buses in Japan? All carry-on luggage must fit into the overhead rack or under your seat. Please note that some seats have heaters under them, which may cause that area to heat up considerably. In some cases, the check-in crew or the bus driver may ask you to put your carry-on luggage in the trunk.

Should I take a large suitcase to Japan?

During rush hour in Japan, it is best to avoid traveling with a large suitcase if possible. However, if you must travel with a big suitcase, aim for the very front or back carriages, where there may be more space.

What not to bring when traveling to Japan?

Narcotics such as opium, cocaine, heroin, MDMA, magic mushrooms, stimulant drugs (stimulant drugs contained in an inhaler or items containing stimulant drug ingredients), cannabis, opium smoking paraphernalia and psychotropic drugs are not allowed in Japan.

How do you put luggage on a bus?

North America excluding Mexico - International
  1. 1 Carry-On Bag. Store under your seat or in the overhead baggage compartment above your seat.
  2. 1 Stored Bag. Store in the baggage compartment before you enter the bus. Please be sure your name and contact information is on your bag (and inside your bag).

How do I travel with a large suitcase in Japan?

On trains. There is not much room for large suitcases on urban and long-distance trains especially during rush hours. Some exceptions are airport trains such as the Narita Express and Haruka, and an increasing number of shinkansen in eastern Japan, which have designated storage space for large luggage.

Is bus cheaper than train in Japan?

While slower than trains, buses cost usually less than half, especially on the competitive Tokyo routes where discount fares can be incredibly low. Every prefecture is served by at least one bus company, with the major cities serving as regional hubs.

Is it OK to take luggage on Tokyo Subway?

When traveling on subways and trains in Japan, there is usually no designated space for luggage. It is best to avoid seating near the carriage doors and instead store your bags in the small space between the doors and the seating. For small suitcases and bags, there is overhead storage.

Can you take suitcases on Japanese trains?

Luggage pieces less than 160 cm (sum of height x length x width) can be brought aboard without prior reservation. For luggage pieces between 160 cm – 250 centimetres, a prior reservation is required, which can be made for free.

What are the rules for the bus in Japan?

Please do not place your belongings in the aisle or on empty seats. Please place them on your knees or at your feet. Smoking and drinking alcohol inside the bus is strictly prohibited. Please refrain from speaking in loud voices so that you don't disturb the other passengers.

Do Japanese buses have toilets?

Bus Service Information (Bus Service Information) Yes. All buses, with or without restrooms, stop for toilet breaks once every 2 to 3 hours along the way.

Is it OK to eat on the bus in Japan?

Luckily for us, the general etiquette for bus passengers is largely the same as train etiquette. As on the trains, smoking, eating, and drinking are largely frowned upon. Additionally, talking on the phone on the bus is generally seen as rude.

Is it OK to wear flip flops in Japan?

While flip flops are a big no-no for most occasions (save for a trip to the beach or a midnight run to the conbini), comfy ballet flats, loafers, boat shoes, or even a nice pair of slip-on sneakers are practical options. You might also notice that open-toed shoes and sandals are uncommon.

Should I take a lot of cash to Japan?

The likelihood that credit cards are accepted decreases in small cities and towns, and thus it is advisable to keep cash at hand when visiting rural areas. Cash is often the only way to pay for small entrance fees at tourist sights, smaller restaurants and small shops. Many lockers also require coins.