Do I need sneakers in Bali?

Do I need sneakers in Bali? Tennis Shoes (Sneakers) Tennis shoes comes in handy for exploring the markets, trekking, exercising, hiking volcanoes and everyday use. While some travelers feel most comfortable in hiking boots, they are not a necessary addition to your Bali packing list.

Should I bring a backpack or suitcase to Bali?

In that case, you should better take a backpack that can be padlocked and cover it with backpack cover. If you stay at the same place during all your trip, or if the transports are limited or already organised, you can choose a suitcase on wheels.

Why do I have diarrhea after returning from Bali?

Many people who travel from developed to developing countries experience traveller's diarrhoea. This illness can occur at any time during the trip, or even after the person gets home. It is usually a self-limiting condition that clears up after a few days. It is often caused by eating contaminated food or water.

Is Bali Belly common?

Bali Belly is one of Bali's least popular attractions, but unfortunately it is all too common among visitors to the island. Bali Belly is just another expression for food poisoning (or stomach flu/gastroenteritis medically speaking).

Is it rude to not tip in Bali?

No, it is not customary to tip in Bali. However, it's always appreciated when you show your gratitude with a little extra money. Keep in mind that no one will come chasing you down if you don't leave a tip, but it's always nice to show your appreciation for good service with a token of gratitude.

Can I show my shoulders in Bali?

In general, dress modestly, especially when visiting temples. Women and men should wear shirts that cover their shoulders and upper arms, and are expected to wear a sarong, or scarf, when entering a temple.

Should I wear jeans in Bali?

Bali does not have any particular dress-code mandate on tourists. You can wear anything comfortable, though summer lothes would be more suitable in the tropical weather of Bali. Remember to carry rain clothes if you're planning on traveling during rainy months, and hiking clothes and shoes if needed.

What is the most common cause of Bali belly?

The most common bacteria which causes Bali Belly is E. Coli. While it's very tempting to live like a local for the most authentic holiday experience, visitors do not have the same immunity as locals and certain practices are likely to leave you sick.

What foods to avoid in Bali?

Avoid pre-chopped or packaged fruits that may have been sitting out for too long. Too much spicy food can make your stomach upset and make you more likely to get sick from food. Be cautious of dishes labeled as “extra spicy” or “very hot.”

Is Bali strict on dress code?

Both male and female tourists are expected to dress modestly in Bali in order to respect the locals, especially children and temples. Male tourists are expected to at least wear tank tops and shorts, while female tourists are expected to at least wear T-shirts and shorts that are just slightly above the knee.

How do I stop getting Bali belly?

How can you avoid Bali Belly?
  1. Make sure all meat and seafood is thoroughly cooked (not raw or rare)
  2. Avoid the following foods while travelling: Sushi. Unpasteurised dairy products milk/cheese/ice cream. ...
  3. Water: Don't drink tap water. Don't use tap water to brush your teeth. ...
  4. Hygiene: Wash your hands after using the toilet.

Can I wear red in Bali?

Colors for Balinese
The common colors that used in Balinese traditional clothing is white and yellow, as it represents purity. Dark colors like brown, purple, or red are usually used in special occasion like weddings or local events.

Is it safe to wear jewelry in Bali?

To avoid being a victim of pickpocketing in Bali, make sure you don't wear flashy jewelry or hold on to valuable items that make you stand out as a valuable target. Keep your bag close to you and don't leave it unattended and exercise caution when in crowded areas.

Is it OK to wear shorts in Bali?

When deciding what to wear in Bali, remember it is a tropical country, so dress is generally informal. Shorts and t-shirts are great for resorts and tourist hot spots.

Do I need to cover my shoulders in Bali?

In general, dress modestly, especially when visiting temples. Women and men should wear shirts that cover their shoulders and upper arms, and are expected to wear a sarong, or scarf, when entering a temple.

Do you have to leave your shoes in Bali?

It is a custom to not wear shoes when inside so remember to leave your shoes outside, or you might risk offending locals that will ask you to leave or return after taking your shoes off. Also, avoid entering temples if you have an open wound. It is considered taboo and might invite stares from some conservative locals.

Do I need to carry cash in Bali?

As mentioned above Cash is still a very important form of payment in Bali, particularly in the smaller shops and also when you need to pay for your transportation, or if you need gasoline. The 100,000 bills are the largest bills. It's useful if you take also some smaller bills with you.