Do Indian citizens need transit visa for Europe?

Do Indian citizens need transit visa for Europe? Currently, only four EU/Schengen countries require Indian passport holders to obtain a Transit Schengen Visa in order to transit their territory, and these are France, Germany, Spain and the Czech Republic. Indian nationals can, however, transit through other Schengen Area countries, including here in the Netherlands.

Do Indian citizens need transit visa for Switzerland?

Indian passport holders are not obliged to hold an Airport Transit Visa. Hence, transit through Switzerland and stay at the airport international transit area is permitted without any visa. Please note that Switzerland Tourism has no authority related to granting or declining a visa.

Do Indian citizens need transit visa for connecting flights?

Is a transit visa required for connecting flights? In many cases, an airport transit visa may not be required for connecting flights as long as you stay within the airport's transit area and do not pass through immigration control.

Do Indians need transit visa for Helsinki?

According to the Finnish Immigration Service, Indian passport holders are generally required to have a visa when transiting through Finland, unless they are eligible for an exemption.

Can I transit through Amsterdam without a visa?

Instead, you will need a regular short-stay Schengen visa for the Netherlands. This also applies if you need to transit through another airport within the Schengen Area, other than a Dutch one. Netherlands transit visas are divided into: Netherlands Airport Transit Visa.

Do I need transit visa for connecting flight in Germany?

Do I need a visa? The vast majority of foreign travellers benefit from the “transit privilege” - if during a stopover at a German airport, you do not leave the International Airport Area and if the destination is not in a Schengen country, you do not need a transit visa.

Do Indian passport holders need transit visa in Paris?

With effect from 27 April 2021, all Indian nationals in transit through the international zone of a French airport on their way to another country will require an airport transit visa (ATV).

Can Indian passport holders transit through Frankfurt?

Yes, Indians need a transit visa in Germany. According to the German Missions in the United States, some exceptions apply and the following Indian travelers do not need an airport transit visa.

Do Indians need transit visa for Italy?

Airport Transit Visa is only required to travellers who need to pass through any of the EU Member States to change their flight and who are nationals of one of the following countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Sri Lanka, ...

Do I need Schengen visa for transit?

Yes, a Schengen visa is needed even for transit. This type of visa is valid for 24 hours and can only be used in the transit area of a Schengen country airport. If you want to leave the transit area and go anywhere outside, you need to have a regular Schengen visa in that case.