Do you sleep in the train when Interrailing?

Do you sleep in the train when Interrailing? A reservation guarantees you a seat or a bed on the train. Night trains have several accommodation options, ranging from reclining seats to single cabins with private bathrooms. You will pay a higher reservation fee for the more luxurious options.

How many shoes do you need for Interrailing?

Generally, three shoes is a good rule to follow: a pair of trainers, dress shoes, and flip flops. If you don't expect to do any hardcore trekking, Toms or Converse add the perfect element of comfort and style to your travel clothes. Carrying stilettos is just not practical in any backpacking situation.

What does Interrail ticket cover?

An Interrail pass gives unlimited travel on all the train services run by the national train operator in all of the countries it covers - except in your own country of residence, more about that in a minute.

How much money do you need per day interrailing?

We would advise allowing for around 50-100 euros per day, do you have to spend this exact amount every day? No. Different factors will come into play, for example, one of the days you may want to do a tour that costs around 15-20 euros, but you still need to allow money for eating, public transport etc.

How many clothes do you need for interrailing?

Most interrailers do laundry at least once during their trips, as this cuts down on the amount of clothing you have to carry in your backpack. So, if you only wanted to do laundry once during your trip, you should pack enough clothes to last you until at least halfway through your trip.

Where do people stay when Interrailing?

Hostels are the most popular choice for backpackers as they can be cheap and offer a great way to meet like-minded travellers. Breakfast, WiFi and bed sheets are often included in the price, and many hostels organise tours and events at discounted rates.

What is the Interrail overnight rule?

If you're travelling on a night train that arrives at your destination after midnight, your journey will show on the ticket of the travel day of your departure. This is the ticket you need to show to the ticket inspector, even if it's past midnight.

Should I bring jeans interrailing?

Instead stick to flowy and stretchy materials – the kind that you can dry on a washing line and never have to iron. Jeans are super slow to dry and smell really gross when damp, so stick to dark colours – this will avoid having to wash them all the time when you inevitably spill Rioja on them.

Can you sleep on the Eurail?

Save precious travel time by moving from one destination to the next while you sleep. Most European night trains are included in the Eurail passes. You'll just need to reserve and pay for your preferred sleeping accommodation type in addition to your pass. Don't forget about your seat reservations!

What is the 7pm rule?

Here's how the 7pm rule works If your overnight train is leaving after 7pm then you can put in the following day's date on your rail pass and use one rather than two days of travel for the overnight trip. Simple!