How common are spider bites in Costa Rica?

How common are spider bites in Costa Rica? Costa Rica is home to some pretty scary-looking arachnids, but of the more than 20,000 species of spiders in the country, only a handful present any danger to humans.

How likely are you to see a snake in Costa Rica?

Many people are afraid of snakes and because of that they don't travel to Costa Rica. We have found that in most cases snakes are good at hiding so you rarely see these animals unless you are specifically looking them.

Are snakes a problem in Costa Rica?

Central America is a paradise for humans and animals, including snakes. There are 137 snake species in Costa Rica, and 22 are venomous. Most are harmless and will bite only when provoked, but Costa Rica still records almost 500 snake bites per year.

What diseases do you have to worry about in Costa Rica?

Below you can view the diseases which are prevalent in this country and those that you should seek vaccinations against.
  • Chikungunya. This nasty little virus infects its victims through mosquito bites.
  • Dengue Fever. ...
  • Hepatitis A. ...
  • Hepatitis B. ...
  • Malaria. ...
  • Rabies. ...
  • Travellers' Diarrhoea. ...
  • Tuberculosis.

How likely am I to see a sloth in Costa Rica?

Sloths are plentiful throughout Costa Rica but may be difficult to spot to the untrained eye. A professional naturalist guide can help point them out. As a general rule, the further south you go along the Pacific coast, the more likely you are to see wildlife as the concentrations are higher.

What should I be careful about in Costa Rica?

  • Violent crime, including carjackings and 'express kidnappings', is increasingly common in Costa Rica. Criminals often target tourist areas, resorts, transport hubs and public transport. ...
  • Petty crime is common. ...
  • Credit card fraud is a risk. ...
  • Nationwide strikes and roadblocks have occurred.

How do you keep bugs from biting you in Costa Rica?

Wear protective clothing like long sleeved tops and full length trousers when you go out. Make it a point to apply a strong mosquito repellent before going outside. You might want to spray some repellent on the brim of your hat to keep your face safe.