How do you get from Verona Airport to Lake Garda?

How do you get from Verona Airport to Lake Garda? There are two ways to get from Verona Airport to Lake Garda; taxi or bus. Taking a private airport taxi is the quickest option, as the journey time will be just 35 minutes and the cost will be around €75. As there's no Verona Airport to Lake Garda train, the only public transfer option is the bus.

Is there a bus transfer from Verona to Lake Garda?

There's no direct Verona Airport to Lake Garda transfer by bus. You will first need to take the Airlink 199 bus into Verona and then take the VR-Garda bus line to Lake Garda. The total journey time will be around 2 hours – not including waiting times, and the cost will be €8 per person.

How long does it take from Verona to Lake Garda by train?

The fastest trains from Verona to Desenzano del Garda/Sirmione take around 19 minutes, covering a distance of approximately 35 kilometres. On weekdays, the first train leaving Verona is scheduled to depart at around 05:45. The last departure is usually at around 22:49.

Is there a direct train from Verona to Lake Garda?

Yes, there is a direct train from Verona to Desenzano del Garda/Sirmione. We usually find around 66 direct trains on the route from Verona to Desenzano del Garda/Sirmione every weekday. Trains are typically more frequent on weekends, when we found around 72 departures.

What trains go to Lake Garda?

You can choose between 3 different types of train, all running on the same axis:
  • Local trains (or “regional trains”) operated by Trenitalia, the Italian public train company;
  • High-speed trains, also operated by Trenitalia, called Frecce;
  • Italo Trains, high-speed trains operated by a private company named Italo.

What is the easiest airport to get to Lake Garda?

Valerio Catullo airport in Verona-Villafranca The airport is closest to Lake Garda and is only 15 kilometres away. It's served several times a day from Frankfurt and Munich by Lufthansa. The low-cost airline German Wings operates between Cologne and Verona.

Is there a bus from Verona train station to Lake Garda?

The bus service is called ATV and the bus lines travelling towards the Lake Garda are: 162, 163, 164 and 165. You can get the bus from Piazza Bra' in Verona city centre or from Verona Porta Nuova railway station.

Can you do a day trip from Verona to Lake Garda?

Train. Train travel is very economical and efficient in Italy (as long as there isn't a strike!). Italo and Trenitalia are the two major train companies that operate a route from Verona to Lake Garda with around 44 trains running daily between the destinations and taking between 35 – 45 mins.

Which train station is best for Lake Garda?

By train. The closest railway stations to Lake Garda are Desenzano and Peschiera del Garda to reach the southern part, Rovereto for the northern part.

Can you walk around Lake Garda?

On the beach, on the hills or in the mountains, during summer or winter, at Lake Garda you can walk everywhere, just choose the route you want to do. If you like to walk on the flat, there are plenty of kilometers of beaches and cycle lanes.

Is Lake Garda closer to Milan or Venice?

Lake Garda is easier to get to from Venice and Verona; Lake Como is closer to Milan.

What is the prettiest place on Lake Garda?

One of the most beautiful, most famous, and most visited towns of Lake Garda is certainly Limone del Garda, on the Brescian coast, 35km from the town of Salò and 9.5km from Riva del Garda, built along the 45 bis Western Gardesana Highway.