How do you survive a dog crate rest?

How do you survive a dog crate rest? Owners need to be positive and relaxed about the crating situation as the animal will otherwise pick up on their anxiety. Ideally, the dog should be offered food, toys, and its usual bedding within the crate, initially with the door left ajar, until it is relaxed enough to rest inside.

How do I leave my dog home alone without a crate?

How to leave your dog home alone: 8 best practices
  1. Give your pup a designated space. ...
  2. Know your breed's behavior. ...
  3. Provide entertainment. ...
  4. Make sure they go to the bathroom. ...
  5. Get them moving. ...
  6. Leave your curtains or blinds open. ...
  7. Start slow and practice. ...
  8. Greet them with love when you return.