How far in advance should I book an international flight for best price?

How far in advance should I book an international flight for best price? The best time to book a flight is one to three months before your departure for domestic airline tickets and two to eight months prior for international flights. “We call these the 'Goldilocks windows,'” Scott Keyes, founder of, tells AFAR. “Not too early, not too late—just right in the middle.”

Is 5 months too early to book international flights?

In our experience, while fantastic deals can pop up at any time, the best time to book a flight (what we call the Goldilocks Window) is 1?3 months ahead for domestic travel and 2?8 months ahead for international travel?unless your trip is around a popular holiday or peak travel time, or you have very specific travel ...

What month has the cheapest international flights?

Best time to buy: Three to 10 months before your travel date. Cheapest months to travel: February and March. Most expensive months to travel: August and December. Fares in spring and fall tend to be marginally better — roughly $25 less — than those in winter and summer.

What day of the week is cheapest to buy international airline tickets?

While the cheapest day to actually pay for airfare can vary from one week to the next, Expedia data shows consumers who book airfare on Sundays instead of Fridays tend to save approximately 5 percent on domestic flights and 15 percent on international airfare.

How do I find the best price on a flight?

In this post
  1. Ignore the Cheap Flight Myths.
  2. Keep Your Plans Flexible & Book Your Flights First.
  3. Flying Direct Can Cost More Money than Time.
  4. Book Cheaper Flights By Traveling at the Right Time.
  5. Sign Up for Discount Flight and Cheap Airfare Notifications.
  6. Start Your Search with Your Best Friend, Google Flights.

Why buy flights on Tuesday?

Historically, Tuesdays were the cheapest day to book flights,” says Laura Lindsay, global travel trends expert for trip-booking website Skyscanner. “This was broadly true prepandemic as seasonality and even weekly pricing cycles were more predictable. However, this is no longer a hard and fast rule.”

Do flight prices increase the more you search?

Bottom line. Surprisingly, there is very little evidence that online travel sites are raising prices the more that you search for a specific trip. In fact, they tend to show lower prices to logged-in users.

What is the cheapest day to fly to Europe?

Key Takeaways
  • The late fall and winter months—from mid to late October through mid-to-late March—are often the cheapest time to fly to Europe (though fares can spike in December).
  • It's often cheaper to fly to Europe mid-week, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, in particular.

How many weeks before international flight is cheapest to book?

Flights are generally the most inexpensive between four months and three weeks before your departure date. Seasonal changes and holidays can create price fluctuations in ticket prices.

How far out to book international flights for best price?

Best Time To Book International Flights According to a study conducted by Expedia, data shows that you want to book at least six months in advance for international travel. The study found you'll save an average of 10% by booking six months in advance instead of two months or less.

Is it cheaper to book international flights 6 months in advance?

For international trips, you generally need to book further ahead of time: Start gauging these flight prices six to seven months in advance while planning on booking three to five months in advance. When you're traveling internationally, planning ahead is key to getting the cheapest airfare, Berg said.

How far in advance should I book a flight to Europe?

Buy your tickets at the right time (to the extent possible). Airfares flex like crazy, but in general it's wise to start looking for international flights at least four to six months before your trip, especially for travel in spring, summer, or fall.

Will flight prices go down in 2023?

Domestic airline prices are on the decline in 2023, finally retreating after spiking just a year ago. International fares are still high. After soaring in 2022, prices for domestic airline tickets are on the descent.

Which international airline is the cheapest?

Top 10 International Budget Airlines
  • EasyJet.
  • Jetstar Airways.
  • WestJet.
  • Eurowings.
  • Scoot.
  • Southwest Airlines.
  • Ryanair.
  • Air Asia X.

What month do flight prices drop?

Spring break. For domestic flights in March and April, Google said, prices are typically lowest 23 to 59 days before departure, hitting their lowest price 38 days out. Summer vacation. For domestic flights in July or August, prices are typically lower 14 to 44 days out, hitting rock bottom 21 days before takeoff.

What are the most expensive days to fly internationally?

resulting in lower prices and the cheapest day of the week to fly. So, you guessed it, that means the most expensive days to book flights are those days when most travelers are heading out – or coming home. That means flying Thursdays, Fridays, Sundays, and Mondays will typically be more expensive.

What time of night do flight prices drop?

At midnight, fewer people travel and there is low last-minute reservation so to fill them, they release multiple offers. With these discounts, you can set aside some amount.

What time do flight prices drop on Tuesday?

Tuesday Around Midnight is the Cheapest Time to Book
In general, flights were slightly cheaper at midnight earlier in the week (Monday through Wednesday). However, this is only applicable to about 1.6% of U.S. markets, meaning that it's not likely you'll find the same savings on your specific route.