How many days to visit Kyoto and Nara?

How many days to visit Kyoto and Nara? Five days in Kyoto is the perfect amount of time to spend in Kyoto. You can explore the main sightseeing districts and take a daytrip to Nara. This itinerary allows you to get the best out of five full days in the city.

Is Kyoto safe to walk at night?

Kyoto is generally a safe city, and most areas are safe to visit at night. However, as with any large city, it's always a good idea to be aware of your surroundings and to take precautions to ensure your safety.

Is 1 day in Osaka enough?

Osaka 1-Day Itinerary Summary One day is enough to get a good taste of Osaka. Stay in a place like Kita, Central Osaka or Minami to save time. The must-see attractions in Osaka are Osaka Castle, the Kita District and the Minami District.

Is 4 days in Kyoto too long?

While four days in Kyoto might be more than you need to encapsulate things (as opposed to the months you could spend in Tokyo), I do think that four days is a good time to be based in Kyoto, with an easy day trip to Osaka on the itinerary, as well as a night or two at a retreat.

Should I stay in Nara or Kyoto?

Nara is a small town by comparison although there is much to see. If this is your first trip to Japan then Kyoto has the memorable sites - too numerous to mention. Take a day trip to Nara for the great bronze Buddha, the deer in the park, Horyiji, Sakushiji and so on - but stay n Kyoto for the most part.

Is Kyoto nicer than Tokyo?

Kyoto is more relaxing. Tokyo is about 30% more expensive than Kyoto for travelers. If you prefer big cities, modern technology, nightlife and a huge selection of restaurants, Tokyo is for you. If you're after temples, shrines, garden, geisha and hiking, Kyoto is for you.

Is 5 days too long in Kyoto?

Five days in Kyoto is the perfect amount of time to spend in Kyoto. You can explore the main sightseeing districts and take a daytrip to Nara. This itinerary allows you to get the best out of five full days in the city.

Why is Nara so popular?

Nara, once known as Heijo-kyo, was the first capital of Japan (710-794). It's home to 3 of Japan's World Heritage Sites and many impressive shrines, temples and ruins.

How many days in Kyoto vs Osaka?

Osaka and Kyoto 1-Week Itinerary Summary A good breakdown is 2 days in Osaka and 4 in Kyoto. Kansai International Airport (KIX) is the most convenient airport to Osaka and Kyoto. A Japan Rail Pass is not a good idea for this itinerary, but a Kansai Thru Pass may be.

Is 3 days too much in Kyoto?

We recommend spending 3 days in Kyoto, Japan. You can take the first day to visit the temples and shrines. The second day is good for visiting the bamboo grove, while the third day is an excellent time to shop and eat. If you want to have an immersive experience in Japan, a trip of 10 days (or more) is ideal.

Is 2 days in Osaka enough?

Two days is the perfect amount of time to spend in Osaka. This 2-day itinerary allows you to get the best of the city without tiring yourself out.