How much does it cost to convert a 737 800 freighter?

How much does it cost to convert a 737 800 freighter? Law firm Reed Smith, in a 2022 report based on IBA data, spells out the huge financial benefits that come with a narrowbody aircraft conversion, verses a widebody transformation. A narrowbody conversion approximately costs $4.2 million for a 737-800 and $6.1 million for an A321-200, respectively.

Can a 737-800 fly for 7 hours?

DALLAS – The most-sold commercial aircraft, the Boeing 737 series, has an average range of between 5,000 and 7,000 km, depending on the variant. With this range, most commercial flights last a maximum of seven hours, depending on weight and other restrictions.

How much does a 737 cost per hour?

Based on 450 annual owner-operated hours and $6.00-per-gallon fuel cost, the BOEING 737-300 has total variable costs of $3,652,335.00, total fixed costs of $403,765.00, and an annual budget of $4,056,100.00. This breaks down to $9,013.56 per hour.

How much does it cost to fly a 737-800?

The average hourly rental rate of the Boeing 737-800 is around 21,050 USD per hour.

Which airline has the most 737-800?

American Airlines has 265 737-800 NGs in service, while Southwest Airlines has 205, United Airlines has 136 and Delta Air Lines has 77, according to Cirium. Boeing delivered nearly 5,000 of the planes to customers between 1998 and 2020, according to Boeing data.

How much cargo can 737 cargo plane carry?

It is able to carry up to 23 tons and 141 m3 of cargo to a distance of 3,700 kilometers. The airplane is equipped with a main deck side cargo door and a loading system enabling to stow 11 standard 2235×3175 mm aviation pallets and containers in the cargo hold.