How much money do you need for 10 days in London?

How much money do you need for 10 days in London? How much money will you need for your trip to London? You should plan to spend around £190 ($235) per day on your vacation in London, which is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors. Past travelers have spent, on average, £35 ($43) on meals for one day and £26 ($32) on local transportation.

Is 50K a good salary London?

Absolutely. 50K gross will give you about 34K net. You can get a great room in a shared flat for 1K/month, and by that I mean zone 1 even.

Do restaurants in London take US dollars?

You cannot use US dollars in London or in any other City in UK. The only currency which is being used in UK is GBP and only Great Britain Pound is acceptable in the Country. Some tourists feel they get off the plane with only euros or pounds in their pockets, but they pay the price with a bad U.S. exchange rate.

Should I bring US dollars to London?

Us dollars are not generally accepted in the UK. Nor, in fact, are Euros. With the exception of places like airport stores, you'll need to use UK currency in cash or a payment card during your time in the UK.

Where is cheaper Paris or London?

To sum up, living in London is around 21% more expensive, than living in Paris. Yet, taking into consideration the average salary, it is also higher in London than in Paris. The average monthly net salary (after-tax) amounts to 2,144.30 € (1,852.37 £) in Paris, and 2,591.28 € (2,238.50 £) in London.

Is 500 pounds enough for a week in London?

It isn't enough for accomodation, not really even if the whole £500 is just for the accomodation. Accommodation would cost more than that, and you would have to have at least £300 for food. If you wanted to visit places like the Tower of London, and even St Paul's Cathedral you would need about £200 for that.

Is 10 days too long in London?

If you haven't been to London, that's fine if you want time to explore on your own and maybe see places that the average tourist doesn't see, but I would do this in addition to the main attractions. For this type of itinerary, for the answer of “how many days to visit London,” I would recommend 7 to 10 days.

Is London an expensive city to visit?

London is expensive, but there are plenty of ways to keep your budget to a minimum — when I returned to the city after backpacking in Southeast Asia, I was still able to keep my costs low by staying in hostels and eating the delicious street food.

How much money do you need for 10 days in UK?

Budget-Friendly Travel Planning You should plan to spend around £153 ($190) per day on your vacation in the United Kingdom, which is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors. Past travelers have spent, on average, £37 ($46) on meals for one day and £29 ($36) on local transportation.

How much does a 7 day trip to London cost?

Total Cost for a 7-day Family trip to London: $9,600 Bottom line is that the trip to London cost for a family of four would cost approximately $9,600, or about $350 per person, per day.

Is 7 days too long in London?

Today I want to bring you my London itinerary for 7 days in the UK capital. A week is an ideal amount of time to see the highlights of the city and explore a few places further afield. Whatever your passions and interests, you can find plenty of ways to take in the sights in London and discover places locals love.

What is the cheapest month to travel to London?

The most affordable time to visit London will almost always be the winter months of January and February, as the holiday season is over and there's not a whole lot going on.

Do you tip in London?

Do you tip in London? It is customary to leave 10 to 15% of the bill as tip when eating out, though some restaurants add on a service charge instead. In London hotels, people often tip porters. It is polite to round up your taxi fare to the nearest pound for black cabs and licensed minicabs.