How much money do you need to backpack for a month?

How much money do you need to backpack for a month? Budget travellers will be able to manage a month on around $1000-1200 if they only stick to one or two countries, stay in dorms, and eat mainly at markets. Flashpackers who prefer smaller dorms (or private rooms) and eating at a restaurant once a day should aim for $1500-2000.

Is 1000 euro enough for a month?

No, it's not enough, not by far. In mayor cities you need at least € 800 to 900 just for rent and utilities. Germany has one of the highest prices for electricity in the world. What about food, transportation, communication and leisure?

Is it expensive to live in Europe?

While living in Europe can be very pricey in some instances, some destinations on the other hand have such a low cost of living — as well as cheaper healthcare and housing — they could enable you to quit your job.

Is 10k enough to backpack Europe?

With 10,000 USD, you could easily travel around Europe for a few weeks. You could stay in budget hostels and eat at local restaurants or cook your own meals. If you plan carefully and look for deals, it's possible to stretch that amount even further.

How much cash should I bring to Greece?

Despite problems in the Greek economy, it's still on the expensive side to travel to Greece. Budget travelers should plan on $50 a day, while mid-range to luxury travelers can expect to pay between $150 to $350 a day, or higher if you plan to visit more than one of its 200 islands. All prices are in US dollars.

Is backpacking Europe alone worth it?

These days, it seems like everyone's going backpacking to Europe with a group of friends. But just because you're all by your lonesome, a backpacking trip should not be out of the question. Backpacking around Europe can be just as safe, and just as much fun (if not more), as traveling with your dearest friend.

How much cash do I need in Europe?

It all depends on where you're going and what you plan to do during your trip. As you can see from our travel costs table above, some European cities are cheaper or more expensive than others. As a general rule, though, it's a good idea to budget at least $100 a day for your vacation.

How long can you travel with 5k?

If managed carefully, a $5,000 budget is more than enough to eat and drink your way across the continent on a 10-day or two-week trip –or perhaps even longer.

How to afford to travel in your 20s?

Make a Monthly Budget Having a monthly budget for your normal expenses, allows you to save for not only your future, but to balance in savings for travel. Make a calendar of what upcoming trips you want to plan and set aside money each month for those trips in addition to your normal savings.

Is $5000 enough for a month in Europe?

Yeah, comfortably! $5000 is not a low budget for a month, even for the most expensive countries of Europe. Since, you mentioned you would like to travel on a low budget, I assume you would be comfortable living in hostels/budget hotels and Airbnbs, if yes then this budget is sufficient.

Can you do Europe on $100 a day?

It can be done, but you'd have to budget money carefully and watch how much you spend on food, sights, etc (and that takes away some fun & spontaneity. I prefer to go the 3 star route and free up extra spending money (I'd still avoid fancy dinners every night).

Is $200 too much for a backpack?

If you are a rookie backpacker looking to test the waters, aim for $100 or less for your first hiking backpack. At this price point, you can find a pack that offers enough to gage your interest. And if you are an experienced backpacker, plan to spend north of $200 for a pack that suits your needs.

How to live in Europe for 3 months?

Using the Schengen Area
As many countries are in the EU, there is freedom of movement rules for their residents. This gets carried over temporarily for visitors. So, you can stay 90 days within a 180-day period, which means you can live in Europe for three months without having to get a visa.