How to dress in Agadir?

How to dress in Agadir? T-shirts and shorts are acceptable as long as they are not too tight or revealing. If you are in places such as small villages, Moroccan homes, public events etc you must show some respect and keep most parts covered although this would not normally apply to having ones head covered.

How strict is Agadir?

Agadir, Morocco is a friendly and hospitable city that welcomes tourists with warmth and kindness. However, it is important to be aware of certain cultural taboos to avoid any embarrassing situations for locals. It is considered impolite and disrespectful to kiss in public or drink alcohol in front of Moroccans.

What can I wear in Agadir Morocco?

You can wear shorts in Morocco as long as they come to the top of your knees, anything shorter than that will get you quite a bit of stares. You definitely want to cover the upper thigh. What is this? Jeans are common as well, even tighter jeans, so it's still better to choose tight jeans than short shorts.

Can you wear skinny jeans in Morocco?

Jeans and pants You can wear skinny jeans, just make sure you have a long top to cover up your bottoms if you know you will be visiting villages and popular areas.

Do girls need to cover up in Morocco?

Cover Your Chest and Shoulders While you do not need to cover your entire arms, it is highly recommended that you at least cover your shoulders. Tank tops or strapless shirts and dresses are not considered appropriate in the streets of Morocco. Again, you will experience a lot of harassment if you wear these items.

How should a female tourist dress in Morocco?

While female travellers aren't expected to dress as conservatively as local women, it's still a good idea to pack clothing options that will allow you to cover up. In the main cities, you can get away with wearing pants or a skirt that reaches below the knee, and a short-sleeved t-shirt.

What is illegal to bring into Morocco?

Import restrictions apply to a limited number of products, including firearms, explosives, used clothing, used tires, pornography, and rugs similar to those produced in Morocco.

Should I bring toilet paper to Morocco?

Hygiene. In Morocco it is very common to find squat toilets, which are flushed with a bucket of water. Moroccan toilets almost always do not contain toilet paper and it is a necessity to carry toilet paper and/or hygiene wipes if you will be away from the hotel for an extended period of time.

Is it OK to wear shorts in Agadir?

You can wear shorts in Morocco as long as they come to the top of your knees, anything shorter than that will get you quite a bit of stares. You definitely want to cover the upper thigh.

Is it safe to walk in Agadir at night?

Agadir is generally quite safe at night, but as with any destination, it is important to take precautions. As a tourist, always be aware of your surroundings and stay in well-lit areas. Avoid going out alone after dark and consider hiring a driver or taking public transportation if you are unfamiliar with the area.

Can females wear shorts in Morocco?

Yes, there is no problem with wearing shorts in Morocco. You will see this just about everywhere. However, in rural Morocco, you might want to stick with longer shorts, capri length or full length pants.

Is it safe to wear jewelry in Morocco?

Particularly against tourists, petty crime is prevalent in this area. Valuables should not be carried & jewelry that sparkle should be avoided. Leave your hotel with only the essentials, because pickpockets and muggings do happen. Leave your passport at the hotel and don't take it with you!

Are leggings OK in Morocco?

Tunics and leggings Make sure they are long enough to cover your bottom, or thighs. You can wear them with leggings, or tie a belt around to turn them into dresses on occasion. These are things you can also buy as you walk around the medinas.

Is it safe to walk around Agadir at night?

Agadir is generally quite safe at night, but as with any destination, it is important to take precautions. As a tourist, always be aware of your surroundings and stay in well-lit areas. Avoid going out alone after dark and consider hiring a driver or taking public transportation if you are unfamiliar with the area.

Can I bring a girl to my hotel in Morocco?

The laws says that all couples (Moroccan couple, Tourist couple or Mixed) are not permitted to share an hotel room without being married not only Moroccan with tourist. Some hotels turn a blind eye for tourists couples, even some Riads for all but to be honest not Respectable Riads as you said.

How do tourists dress in Morocco?

Packing a couple of tunics and long-sleeved shirts is also a good idea for easy layering in more conservative or rural areas. When visiting mosques, female travellers should wear clothing that covers from ankle to elbow, as well as covering decolletage. It's also important to cover your hair with a scarf.

Is there a strict dress code in Morocco?

The answer is that there is no official dress code in Morocco, and you can wear whatever you feel comfortable in. If you are planning to visit cities like Marrakech or Casablanca, you will see locals and tourists dressed in a variety of styles.

Can you swim in Agadir beach?

It's only safe to swim at Agadir Beach when the lifeguards are working, between mid-June and mid-September. That's also when the weather is warmest.