Is Asakusa a safe area?

Is Asakusa a safe area? Asakusa is considered to be one of the safest areas in Tokyo and Japan as a whole. Petty crimes such as pickpocketing and tourist scams are incredibly low, almost non-existent. However, like any travel destination, it's always prudent to remain aware of your surroundings and secure your personal belongings.

Is Ginza a safe area?

Ginza, has an exceptional reputation for safety. It is one of Tokyo's most prestigious neighborhoods, and crime rates are incredibly low. The area is well-lit and bustling with activity until late, and the local culture highly respects personal safety and security.

Is Asakusa a good area?

It's easy to get lost here amongst the rows of uniform streets and endless stores, cafés and coffee shops, but that's also the appeal of Asakusa. It's a great place to explore Tokyo's culture outside of the glamor of its more popular districts.

Why is Asakusa so famous?

Asakusa has a long and rich history dating back over a thousand years. During the Edo period (1603-1868), Asakusa became a popular entertainment district, known for its theaters, teahouses, and restaurants. It was also a center of education, with many scholars and artists living and working in the area.

Is Ueno safe at night?

it's safe but not that fun at night- there are a lot of homeless people and not a lot of nightlife. There is not much to explore at Ueno after 8pm when most shops are closed. However, if you travel a few stops along the JR Yamanote Line to Ikebukuro, Shinjuku, Shibuya, you'll get what you want.

What time does Asakusa Street open?

Popular Hotels in Asakusa Most shops are open from 10:00 to 19:00. Some open as early as 8:00 and some close as late as 20:00.

Is it okay to stay in Asakusa?

Asakusa is one of the most popular places for tourists to stay in Tokyo—and there are good reasons for this. For one thing, the area's got history. Not the dull, textbook kind of history—the colorful stuff of pleasure houses (geisha central), trade and wild tradition.

What food is Asakusa known for?

Traditional mochi and dango, fried menchi (minced meat) croquets, and fluffy melon-pan are just the start of the amazing street food available in Asakusa! But if you'd like a chance to sit and relax, Asakusa is also home to many traditional cafes and tea houses.

Where are the shady areas in Tokyo?

As you can see, the crime statistics of Metropolitan Police Department of Tokyo in 2019 shows that Shinjuku, Ikebukuro and Shibuya are the 3 most dangerous areas in Tokyo by far, as we all know the famous Shinjuku Kabukicho, Ikebukuro “West Gate” Park and Shibuya Center Street.

What kind of place is Asakusa?

Asakusa is one of Tokyo's Shitamachi — a traditional, low-rise part of the city. Although on the surface it's still ye olde Japan, this was the first part of the capital to have significant Western influence; it was even the site of Japan's first cinema.

Is Asakusa worth visiting at night?

Although the temple and shops close around 5 p.m., the temple, pagoda and the street are illuminated after sunset. It is worth visiting to see the street art, Asakusa Emaki, on the shutters of the closed shops without crowds.

Where do millionaires live in Tokyo?

Most of the richest neighborhoods in Tokyo are located along the prestigious Yamanote Line, known for its association with wealth and prestige. The line loops around the city, connecting major districts and offering easy access to business, entertainment, and shopping hubs.

When should I go to Asakusa?

As you can imagine, Sensoji Temple is so popular that it gets super crowded quite easily, especially on weekends. But also on weekdays, the place can be full of people. In order to avoid the crowds, we recommend that you go there early in the morning, preferably around 9am.

What to skip in Tokyo?

10 Things NOT to Do in Tokyo
  • Don't arrive late.
  • Don't tip at restaurants.
  • Don't make phone calls on the train.
  • Don't stand on the right side of the escalator.
  • Don't take small children on the subway at rush hour.
  • Don't turn up at Tokyo Skytree without a ticket.
  • Don't expect to find restaurants on the ground level.

Is Asakusa safe at night?

Safety at night:Very safe The neighborhood is illuminated at night with plenty of activity and presence of local people which fosters a reassuring environment. With the local authorities maintaining stringent street regulations and the local populace known for being respectful, the crime rates are very low.

Where to avoid staying in Tokyo?

The areas with the largest number of crime incidents, namely Shinjuku, Setagaya, and Edogawa, are also areas with a comparatively high population. Likewise, few people live in the low-crime areas of Bunkyo, Meguro, and Arakawa.

Where are the most foreigners in Tokyo?

The majority of expats tend to congregate in Minato-ku ward in South Tokyo. Minato-ku is also home to many embassies and multinational firms. Due to this, it is a very convenient place for foreigners. There are a vast array of Westernised restaurants in the area, as well as two large international grocery stores.

Where to avoid in Shinjuku?

There are really no really no go areas, even red light areas of Kabukicho in Shinjuku have tons of tourist visiting nowadays, crime towards visitors are low, the only real way you get into trouble is if you are looking for trouble yourself.

Is it safe to walk in Tokyo at night?

Is it safe to walk around Tokyo at night? The short answer is a solid Yes. Generally, Tokyo is safe to walk around, even very late into the night. Tokyo is one of the safest cities in the world for a reason, more often or not you should be more concerned about missing the last train in Tokyo rather than getting mugged.