Is Krakow safe for American tourists?

Is Krakow safe for American tourists? Overall, Krakow is a very safe city to travel to, but you still need to take security precautions as you would when visiting a new place.

What is the dress code in Krakow?

However, it's wise to bring a light jacket for sitting outside bars later in the evening. Layering is always a good idea, so pack some long-sleeved tops and sweaters to go along with your jeans. In summary, the Krakow dress code is predominantly casual, allowing you to enjoy the nightlife with ease and comfort.

Can I wear shorts in Poland?

Shorts are ok at tourist sites, of course. The only exception in our otherwise liberal world :D. - are the catholic churches. In principle catholic men should not wear any head cover when visiting churches.

Is it expensive in Kraków?

Krakow is quite affordable for most types of travelers. Especially in comparison to Western Europe, not to mention Scandinavia. Since it is one of Poland's biggest cities, prices in Poland Krakow such as living and travel are slightly higher than in the rest of the country.