Is Saint Kitts and Nevis passport really global?

Is Saint Kitts and Nevis passport really global? With visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 156 destinations, including prominent countries like the United Kingdom and the European Union, and even electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to Canada, the Saint Kitts passport grants investors the freedom to explore opportunities and experiences worldwide.

Is St Kitts a good place to retire?

St Kitts and Nevis is a famous destination for retirees looking to have a great quality of life in the Caribbean. The twin islands are filled with first-class restaurants and shops where you can enjoy delicious cuisine and purchase great products.

What are the 10 least powerful passports?

The weakest passports in 2023
  • Afghanistan (27 destinations)
  • Iraq (29 destinations)
  • Syria (30 destinations).
  • Pakistan (33 destinations)
  • Yemen and Somalia (35 destinations)
  • Palestine and Nepal (38 destinations)
  • North Korea (39 destinations)
  • Bangladesh (40 destinations)

What are the benefits of having a passport in St Kitts?

Saint Kitts and Nevis: Passport Benefits
  • No stay requirement.
  • Caribbean passport in four months, allowing for dual citizenship.
  • Citizenship for family members.
  • Low tax regime - no income or wealth tax.
  • Travel to more than 140 countries visa-free or with visa on arrival.
  • $250,000 minimum investment.

Which Caribbean island has the strongest passport?

The citizens of Barbados had the most powerful passports in the Caribbean region as of mid-2023. At that moment in time, the Barbadian national could travel to 163 countries without having to get a visa. Passports from the Bahamas ranked second, scoring with visa-free access to 156 destinations.