Should I bring a towel when traveling?

Should I bring a towel when traveling? If you're staying with friends or family, a hotel, or an AirBnB, it's pretty safe to assume you'll be provided with bath essentials. Don't bother bringing one. If you think you'll visit a gym outside of a hotel, check in advance if they offer gear rental on location.

Do you tip your waiter at an all-inclusive?

While tipping may not be required at some all-inclusive resorts, many guests prefer to do so. In the event that you would like to tip staff during your all-inclusive vacation, it is important to find out in advance whether staff would even be allowed to accept those tips.

Are hotel bathrobes clean?

Your hotel guests will wear their bathrobes for several purposes. Whether visitors use their bathrobes to lounge in their rooms or after a swim at the hotel pool, each one of your hotel bathrobes will have to be washed regularly to meet the high standards of the hospitality industry.

How much money should I bring to tip at an all-inclusive resort?

This equates to around $20 to $25 USD per day for all staff members who might help you throughout the day. When heading off property (outside of your all-inclusive resort), you can bring small bills along as well, preferably in local currency.

What is the hotel etiquette for towels?

The next time you're staying at a hotel, when done with your towel, leave it hanging or on the sink. It's one less towel the staff need to pick up from the floor.

Is it OK to take bathrobe from hotel?

We know it's tempting, but stealing a hotel robe is considered theft of property. While most hotels won't do more than charge your credit card for the missing item, it's best practice to ask the concierge if you can purchase the robe first. In some cases, they may even have a brand-new robe you can take home.

Why do people tip at an all-inclusive?

Tipping Makes a Difference A few dollars here and there might not seem like much, but it adds up quick when you're dealing with hundreds or thousands of guests in a season. And that little contribution from you can make a big difference in the quality of service during your stay.

Is it rude not to tip at all-inclusive resorts?

While tipping is allowed at some resorts, it is optional, so you won't have to worry about staff pressuring you to do so. You don't have to feel bad about not being able to or wanting to tip everyone.