Should I leave my wheels straight when I park my car?

Should I leave my wheels straight when I park my car? Uphill you should point your wheels away from the curb. When pointing downhill you should point your wheels towards the curb. This is so if the parking mechanism should fail, the curb will hopefully stop the momentum of the vehicle and keep it from rolling very far. Other than that, it really doesn't matter.

What is parking manners?

When you pull into a spot, aim straight for the middle. Pulling too far forward into a parking spot could result in taking up two spots unnecessarily. Where there is no barrier, learn to park your car an appropriate distance from the dividing line between rows of parking spaces.

How can I get better at parking?

How to Improve Your Parking Skills
  1. Keep Practicing. Source. ...
  2. Choose the Right Spot. ...
  3. Know the Size of Your Vehicle. ...
  4. Set the Mirrors Correctly. ...
  5. Understand the Parking Dimensions. ...
  6. Align Your Car. ...
  7. Get Help From a Driving Instructor. ...
  8. Use Technology.