What are 3 facts about Big Ben?

What are 3 facts about Big Ben?

10 things we bet you didn't know about Big Ben
  • #1 – Big Ben is a nickname. ...
  • #2 – The clock face is made from hundreds of individual pieces of glass. ...
  • #3 – Big Ben was built 164 years ago. ...
  • #4 – It's really tall.

Is Big Ben a bell or a clock?

Big Ben is a tower clock known for its accuracy and for its massive hour bell. Strictly speaking, the name refers only to the bell, which weighs 15.1 tons (13.7 metric tons), but it is commonly associated with the whole clock tower at the northern end of the Houses of Parliament, in the London borough of Westminster.

What is Big Ben called now?

2012: The Clock Tower is renamed the Elizabeth Tower to honour HM Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee.

Is Big Ben its real name?

What is Big Ben's formal name? The tower housing Big Ben was formally known as St. Stephen's Tower until 2012, when it was renamed Elizabeth Tower on the occasion of Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee, celebrating 60 years on the British throne.

What is Big Ben facts for kids?

The clock tower, which is also known as the Elizabeth Tower, is 315 feet (96 meters) tall and has 393 steps. The clock mechanism weighs five tons. Its pendulum is 12.8 feet (3.9 meters) long. The Great Bell weighs 13.5 tons.

Do they clean Big Ben?

The clock face of the Elizabeth Tower, which houses the famous Big Ben bell, is cleaned every couple of years.

What are 5 facts about Big Ben?

8 Fascinating Facts about Big Ben in London
  • We're not sure who Ben was - but we have a couple of ideas.
  • The Clock Tower took over 15 years to build.
  • Big Ben is a marvel of Victorian engineering.
  • Big Ben miraculously survived World War II.
  • The bells of Big Ben chime a distinctive melody.

Can you walk inside Big Ben?

Visitors must be aged 11 and over and be comfortable climbing 334 steps and experiencing high noise levels from the clock mechanism and bells - earplugs will be provided. The total tour duration is 90 minutes and toilet facilities are available at the beginning and end of the tour only.