What do you call a person who loves waterfalls?

What do you call a person who loves waterfalls? You can coin the word cataractophile [from Latin cataracta or Greek ?ata????t?? (katarráktis) waterfall + Latin -phila, Ancient Greek f???? loving, dear].

What is a personification of a waterfall?

Personification about a waterfall could include expressions like 'the waterfall sang', 'the waterfall danced', or 'the waterfall sprinted', attributing it with human-like characteristics. It is a figure of speech used to create vivid images or emotional responses.

Why do I love waterfalls so much?

Sound: Whether trickling or thundering, waterfalls are like music, with light flutes or pounding tympani bookending the score. Smell: That fresh, clean scent after a thunderstorm also happens around crashing water: negative ions are created. Our nostrils take in revitalizing air and earthy smells of the nearby forest.

What is the most famous waterfall called?

Undoubtedly one of most famous waterfalls in the world, Niagara Falls sits on the border between the United States and Canada meaning that the thundering attraction can be viewed from either country – though the vantage point from the Canadian side is often cited as being the best.

Why are waterfalls so amazing?

Scientifically, there are claims that negative ions that are abundant in waterfalls somehow increase serotonin levels, which ultimately helps our mood. The mental health aspect comes from the relaxation-tendencies we'd tend to have from the simple act of watching the motion and sound of moving water.

Why do waterfalls make me happy?

The Feel of Waterfalls Some say that because of the negative ions released by a waterfall, you can't help but feeling happy when you're near one. The “science” says that when the negative ions go into our bloodstream, it increases the production of serotonin, which is the happy chemical.

What is a very small waterfall called?

Waterfalls of small height and lesser steepness are called cascades; this term is often applied to a series of small falls along a river. Still gentler reaches of rivers that nonetheless exhibit turbulent flow and white water in response to a local increase in channel gradient are called rapids.

What is the psychological meaning of waterfalls?

Waterfalls also represent unharnessed elemental motion, the force-fields which one needs to master and control to one's spiritual benefit, not unlike the practice of Tantrism. The waterfall is also seen as a symbol of permanence of form despite change of content.