What does Genius Level 2 mean on booking com?

What does Genius Level 2 mean on booking com? Booking Genius Level 2 Granted to users who have completed five stays within two years. It comes with a 15% discount, complimentary breakfast, and free room upgrades on Genius partners.

How do I get 50% off booking?

Sign up for Booking.com Genius membership and be eligible to discounts of up to 50% off. Save on travels and get discounted rates on hotels, flight tickets and more.

What are the yellow stars on booking com?

On hovering over the yellow boxes of other properties, it says 'awarded to home and apartment-like properties by Booking.com. These represent quality ratings based on factors such as facilties, size, location and service. '

How to get 50% off on hotel bookings?

Sign up for Booking.com Genius membership and be eligible to discounts of up to 50% off. Save on travels and get discounted rates on hotels, flight tickets and more. Discount Up to 50% off Members info Members Conditions Must be signed in to unlock savings.

What is Genius Level 2 on booking com?

To unlock Level 2, you must complete five stays across a two-year period. You'll earn a discount of up to 15%, plus complimentary breakfast and free room upgrades on select stays. To reach Level 3, you need to complete 15 stays within two years.

How to get a discount on booking com?

Best ways to save with Booking.com discounts
  1. New customer discounts. Booking.com offers new customer discounts for first-time reservations. ...
  2. Verify your student status. ...
  3. Confirm your military status. ...
  4. Become a rewards member. ...
  5. Secret Booking.com deals. ...
  6. Sign up for the newsletter. ...
  7. Get 10%% off. ...
  8. Troubleshooting your coupon.

What rating is good on booking com?

Guests are asked to rate out of 4 options, Good being 3 and Excellent being 4... Then this is translated into a figure out of 10.. so 3 out of 4 (Good) becomes 7.5 out of 10.

How do I increase my booking com score?

6 ways to improve your Booking.com ranking
  1. Take high-quality photos of your property. As the first-impression guests have of your listing, the quality of your images is essential. ...
  2. Research your guest's needs. ...
  3. Provide a thorough property description. ...
  4. Offer extra information and tips.

Are Genius levels worth it?

Yes!, it's a great way to get discounts and rewards while travelling. It's a simple process – the more you book with Booking.com, the more rewards you get! Every booking you make earns you points, and as you level up, you'll get access to more discounts and rewards and easy access to promotions.

Why not to use booking com?

Booking.com will always take the side of the hotel. Booking.com reviews are not as real as we thought. Reviews with pay at property bookings can easily be manipulated. Booking.com uses pressure tactics to get you to book.