What does Mara mean in African?

What does Mara mean in African? Their description of the area when looked at from afar: Mara means spotted in the local Maasai language, due to the many short bushy trees which dot the landscape. Maasai Mara National Reserve. Maasai Mara. Typical spotted Maasai Mara scenery.

Why is Masai Mara so expensive?

Prices tend to be higher during the Peak season which is normally when the Great wildebeest migration happens as this attracts large numbers of visitors to Masai Mara making it more expensive to secure rooms due to the high demand. The Peak season runs from July to October.

What is the rarest animal in Masai Mara?

Rhinoceros: The rhino is one of the most endangered species in Africa, having been hunted almost to extinction by poachers. To see one on safari is rare and heart-poundingly exciting. The Maasai Mara has a slowly increasing number of black rhinos, however the numbers are still around 30 individuals.