What is a livable salary in England?

What is a livable salary in England? As the results show, if you're a single person with no children you should be able to live comfortably in the UK on a salary of just over £24,000, while a child-free couple could live comfortably on a combined income of around £35,500.

Is 50K a good salary London?

Absolutely. 50K gross will give you about 34K net. You can get a great room in a shared flat for 1K/month, and by that I mean zone 1 even.

Is 100k a good salary UK?

£100k is certainly a much higher salary than most people in the UK earn - £80k would put you in the top 5% of earners, despite what this guy said during an election debate. A survey taken five years ago found that only about 1 million people earned more than £100k per year.

What is middle-class UK salary?

Earnings on the up The latest government data, published in November 2023, reveals that the median average UK weekly wage for full time workers (in England and Wales) is £682 gross (that's the equivalent to an annual pre-tax salary of just over £38,000) – an increase of 6.2% compared to 2022.