What is not allowed to carry in the Maldives?

What is not allowed to carry in the Maldives? Prohibited Items It is prohibited for tourists to bring firearms, alcoholic beverages, pork products, pornography and idols of worship into the Maldives. Additionally, strict penalties apply to those attempting to bring illegal drugs into the country.

What money is best for Maldives?

To pay while you're in the Maldives, you'll either need to buy Maldivian rufiyaa banknotes before or during your trip, use your credit card, or use a low-cost multi-currency debit card like Revolut's or Wise's travel cards.

Can you take paracetamol to Maldives?

You can bring your medication in pill or solid form in unlimited amounts as long as it is screened. You can travel with your medication in both carry-on and checked baggage. It's highly recommended you place these items in your carry-on in the event that you need immediate access.

Can I take shells home from Maldives?

It's Illegal to Take Seashells Home
The ecosystem here is a fragile one, and the government takes great steps to protect the biodiversity of the archipelago. Although it seems harmless, there's a strict policy against collecting seashells, tortoise shells, and corals.

Are shoes not allowed in Maldives?

Shoes to pack for the Maldives
Many of the islands are entirely 'shoe free zones', so your bag can be very small. Having said that do check your island because if the sand is coral you will need flip flops, and they are much cheaper to bring with you.

Can you carry soft drinks to Maldives?

The bottles of soft drinks will be picked up on the airport x-ray and it's very possible they'll stop you and ask to see inside your luggage. There are so many people trying to smuggle alcohol in soft drinks bottles that the customs people are well aware of this ruse.

Should I carry cash in Maldives?

The only time you are likely to need the local currency is if you are staying in a local guesthouse or if you are visiting Malé City and would like to purchase something from a local market or shop. However, US dollars are widely accepted.

Does paracetamol go in hand luggage or suitcase?

For example, panadol is fine, Panadeine which contains codeine, is not allowed. Prescription meds need to be in your carry on, as do any valuables. Checked luggage is not secure nor does it always arrive. Basically remove anything metal.

How much cash can you bring into Maldives?

Maldives transporting cash amounting to 10,000 (ten thousand) United States Dollars or more, or its equivalent in Rufiyaa or foreign currency, shall be required to report the said amount to the Maldives Customs Service under Section 24(a) of Law no.

Is it OK to wear shorts in Maldives?

In the Maldives, it is appropriate for men to wear shorts (knee length) and t-shirts. Women in particular should take care to stay covered though, so always wear over-the-shoulder longer dresses, shirts and trousers. Never wear skimpy swimwear unless it is clearly marked that it is okay to do so.

Can you wear flip flops in Maldives?

Most visitors wear flip-flops or sandals during the day. Check with your particular resort for any additional rules, some of the more upscale resorts have stricter dress codes. It's also important to note that nudity is not allowed in the Maldives so topless sunbathing is prohibited.

What is the etiquette in the Maldives?

Respect local customs and dress conservatively, especially when visiting a mosque. Women should cover their heads and shoulders and neither men nor women should wear shorts. Alcoholic drinks are available on the resort islands, but not elsewhere.