What is the 3 shoe rule?

What is the 3 shoe rule? Yes, you guessed it – the '3 shoe rule' is only pack THREE pairs of shoes. For a summer vacation, this typically means a pair of sneakers and two pairs of sandals – one dressy and one casual. It's simple really.

How many clothes do I need for a 12 day trip?

For trips that are two weeks long, you will need 10 outfits. Wear one outfit per day, and then repeat four of the outfits.

How many clothes do I need for a 10 day trip?

Here's an easy equation to remember. For 10 days of travel, 2 bottoms, and 5 tops. That's right. You are going to become the King or Queen of travel with this number one tip.

How many pairs of shoes do you bring on vacation?

Packing For Your Next Vacation Wisely Choosing shoes for your next vacation doesn't have to get complicated! For best results, try to pick shoes that are comfortable and match your clothing. Two to three pairs of shoes is generally best and if you do opt for a new pair, be sure to break them in beforehand.

How many outfits do I need for a 7 day vacation?

Do the clothing countdown: If you need a mantra to help streamline your wardrobe, use the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 rule for a weeklong trip: Limit yourself to no more than five sets of socks and underwear, four tops, three bottoms, two pairs of shoes and one hat.

Which side of suitcase for clothes?

Non-Roller Side Pants: The roller side is where your main garments will go, like your pants, tops, and pajamas. Place pants at the bottom of your suitcase. Stack pants on top of each other in alternating directions so that the thicker waistbands are not directly on top of each other, says Bauer.