What is the cheapest airport to fly into New Zealand?

What is the cheapest airport to fly into New Zealand? The cheapest airport in New Zealand is Auckland International – we've found flights from $632.

Do you lose a day flying from USA to New Zealand?

When you travel from North America, you travel across the International Date Line which means you journey forward in time to get here. So when you leave San Francisco on Friday night you land in Auckland on Sunday morning. Of course, you may feel like you've lost a day but you'll gain that back on your return journey.

Do I need a visa for New Zealand?

Most travellers need either an NZeTA or a visa to travel to New Zealand. This depends on the passport you are travelling on, and if you will be a visitor or a transit passenger.

Who flies nonstop to New Zealand?

Major airlines, such as Air New Zealand, American Airlines and United Airlines offer direct flights to New Zealand from the USA. Most international flights arrive into Auckland Airport, which can be found in the northern part of the North Island.

Where is the cheapest place to fly to in New Zealand?

What's the cheapest city to fly into in New Zealand? The cheapest city to fly into is Auckland, and the cheapest airport serving this city at the moment is Auckland International.

Is New Zealand cheap for Americans?

Flights: The cost of a round-trip ticket to New Zealand can vary depending on your location in the US. On average, you can expect to pay between $800 to $1200 for a round-trip ticket. Accommodation: For budget hotels or hostels, you can expect to pay between $20 to $50 per night.

What is the cheapest day to book an international flight?

While the cheapest day to actually pay for airfare can vary from one week to the next, Expedia data shows consumers who book airfare on Sundays instead of Fridays tend to save approximately 5 percent on domestic flights and 15 percent on international airfare.