What is the main purpose of transport?

What is the main purpose of transport? The specific purpose of transportation is to fulfill a demand for mobility since transportation can only exist if it moves passengers, freight, and information around.

What is the main purpose of means of transport?

Transportation moves people and goods to different neighborhoods, cities, states, and countries; and it allows people in those various places to trade and do business together.

What is the difference between transport and transportation?

There is only one difference between transport and transportation, that is transport is for public to move one place to another and transportation is moving anything like goods is used for transportation. both word meaning is same in british english uses transport and in amarican english uses transportation.

What is modern means of transportation?

The modern forms of transportation are: Air: The use of aeroplane, jets, spaceship, rockets, etc to transport people and goods from one place to another through air. Land: All big cities use vehicles and other motors for transportation from one part to another or from city to city.

What is transportation and example?

Transportation is a system for taking people or goods from one place to another, for example using buses or trains. [mainly US] Campuses are usually accessible by public transportation.