What is the poorest state in Spain?

What is the poorest state in Spain? The poorest Spaniards reside in Extremadura, where median income is €18,662.

Which celebrity lives in Spain?

There's no end of stars who own property on the Iberian Peninsula, and today we run down the list of celebs who live in Spain.
  • David Guetta. ...
  • Hugh Grant. ...
  • Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas. ...
  • Glenn Hoddle. ...
  • Sir Alan Sugar.
  • Brad Pitt. ...
  • Honor Blackman. ...
  • Shakira and Piqué

Which region of Spain has the lowest tax?

The Community of Madrid is known for having one of the lowest tax burdens for low incomes in Spain. The regional Personal Income Tax (IRPF) rates are relatively lower, resulting in lower tax payments for individuals with lower incomes.

What is the biggest slum in Spain?

Cañada informal Here, between the municipal areas of Madrid, Rivas, Coslada and San Fernando, Europe's largest slum has attached itself to the historical Cañada Real Galiana.

Where do millionaires go in Spain?

According to the statistics, Madrid and Barcelona have the 10 neighbourhoods with the highest average net annual income per inhabitant in Spain, making Madrid and Barcelona the wealthiest cities in Spain.

What is the most luxurious city in Spain?

Barcelona, Spain Barcelona oozes style and is easily one of the most luxurious cities in the world. What was once a run-down port with its back to the sea has been transformed into an international sensation.