What qualifies for VAT refund?

What qualifies for VAT refund? And there is typically a minimum amount you have to spend in a store to qualify — as of November 2023, the minimum in the EU is 175 Euros. So it's usually high-ticket items, like jewelry or fine clothing, that qualify for a VAT refund, not a paperback novel or suntan lotion.

Can you only get VAT refund at airport?

You can try to get your VAT refund through the mail but the process takes much longer and can be unreliable. Most people submit their requests at the airport on their way home. You'll have to present your documents to a customs agent, whose stamp is required as “proof of export.”

How can I avoid paying VAT?

Shipping your purchases home directly from the retailer is another way to avoid paying VAT, but the added cost may outweigh any savings.

Should I save my receipts in Europe?

You should take your refund forms, receipts, and the items you bought with you to a VAT office at the airport. Allow enough time before your flight departs. If the merchant didn't give you an instant refund, you might get your tax refund at the last stop before you leave the EU.

Which European country has best VAT refund?

Which Country Has the Highest VAT Refund? Hungary has the highest VAT refund at 27%.