What to expect from a travel agent?

What to expect from a travel agent? People who utilize a traditional travel agency expect to work with knowledgeable agents who can take the details of their travel plans, prepare a customized itinerary and quickly forward the details to the client's smartphone or computer.

What questions to ask when looking for a travel agent?

When you are choosing a travel agent, there are five questions that you should ask before you start planning your trip with them.
  • Ask If They Have Visited Your Destination. ...
  • Ask About Fees. ...
  • Ask Your Travel Agent What Services They Offer. ...
  • Ask About Their Qualifications. ...
  • Ask About Their Response Time.

Do you pay more using a travel agent?

How much does a travel agent cost? The cost of using a travel agent is generally marginal, and often, they won't charge you at all. Much of their money comes from commissions the hotels and wholesalers pay them. Before you decide to book with a travel agent, inquire whether or not they charge fees.

What do I need to know before going to a travel agent?

Here are a few tips:
  1. Look for the right certification. If the agent is a member of the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) (www.asta.org), that's a promising sign. ...
  2. If at all possible, stay local. There's no substitute for the personal touch. ...
  3. Interview the agent. ...
  4. Find out how they react under pressure.

What is the average cost to use a travel agent?

Some agents charge fees by percentage, ranging from 5 percent to 15 percent of the trip's cost. Others may charge a flat rate, anywhere from $100-$500 on average. You may have to pay an hourly rate for travel agents to research, plan or arrange your trip.

Is it better to book direct or through travel agent?

Travel agents save clients money, but the benefits of booking with a travel agent go way beyond. Travel agents also create high-value travel over OTAs because (the living, breathing, talented humans that they are) are able to advocate for clients when things go awry.

How can I trust a travel agent?

Take advice from friends and business associates who use an agent they trust and always check business profiles on BBB.org. Visit or call several agencies to find the one that best suits your needs. Consider everything from the appearance of the office to the agent's willingness to listen and answer questions.

Does it cost to speak to a travel agent?

How much does a travel agent cost? The cost of using a travel agent is generally marginal, and often, they won't charge you at all. Much of their money comes from commissions the hotels and wholesalers pay them. Before you decide to book with a travel agent, inquire whether or not they charge fees.

How do you know if a travel agent is bad?

Does not follow up: A bad agent promises trip options and rates, but fails to deliver in a timely manner to the client, who then moves on to another agent. A bad agent also fails to follow up with the client after a trip that has been booked to see how it went.

Is it better to use a travel agent or do it yourself?

Travel Agents Can Save You Time Booking a trip, with all its working parts, can take hours, especially if you're researching and comparing the best deals, said Avery Harris of Viking Travel. A travel agent will take much less time to help you find what you're looking for, Harris said.

What to do if scammed by travel agent?

Complaints about travel agents and travel agencies If you are using an online booking service, complain to their customer service department. If your complaint is not resolved, you can contact: The state consumer protection office where you live or where the travel company is located. Your local Better Business Bureau.

Should I use a travel agent to book an all inclusive?

Booking directly with the resort itself is one of the best ways to ensure you travel and relax on the days you desire. Travel Agents are often paid on commission, and may not have your best interest in mind. They may push a certain resort or package deal on you which benefits them, but not you.

Is a travel agent high risk?

But travel agencies also typically fall under “high risk.” One reason for that is the higher-than-average chargeback rates that can come from bookings for a future trip that a client later wants to cancel.

Why use a travel agent 2023?

With close connections to airlines, hotels, and tour guides, travel agents often have access to special deals and preferential pricing you won't find on your own. They know about seasonal deals, low-cost specials, and unique experiences that would be hard for you to find building your trip online yourself.

Is it cheaper to book flights through a travel agent?

It is usually cheaper to book flights through travel agents rather than directly with the airlines when you are looking for a package deal. Travel agents often have access to discounts and special offers that may not be available if you book directly with the airline.

How do you know if a travel agent is scamming you?

To identify a travel agent scam, look for red flags such as prices that are too good to be true, pressure to book immediately, limited contact information, negative online reviews, or vague contract terms.

What are the disadvantages of using a travel agent?

  • You're Not The One Planning Your Travel. While not planning your travel is a pro to some, for other travelers, it's a major con. ...
  • You Add Another Person To The Equation. ...
  • You Actually Have To Find The Agent. ...
  • They're Not Great For Spur-Of-The-Moment Changes.