When can you not cruise in the Caribbean?

When can you not cruise in the Caribbean? Official hurricane season is from June 1 to November 30, with September and October the most likely months for hurricanes to develop. Hurricanes are not, however, a reason to dismiss a Caribbean cruise in these months. The Caribbean is a vast region and some areas tend to be far less prone to hurricanes than others.

Do cruises stop during hurricane season?

For those temped by the savings, it's worth noting that most cruises are not physically impacted by hurricanes. But if you book a cruise that takes place during hurricane season, be prepared for possible last-minute itinerary changes and cancellations should there be storms.

When not to go on a cruise to the Bahamas?

The rainiest months are May and June. Hurricane season for the Bahamas and the Caribbean lasts from June to November, with peak hurricane season being from August to October.

What months are hurricane season for cruises?

Hurricane season in the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean officially runs from June 1 through November 30. Although the exact paths and initial development of individual hurricanes are hard to predict, the season is generally busiest between mid-August and mid-September.

What months are cruises less crowded?

To avoid crowds and experience cooler temperatures, consider traveling in the shoulder months of May and September or early October. Most Mediterranean cruises sail in the summer months, when the sun and sand in coastal ports are at their peak and cities come alive with activity.

What is the most expensive month to go on a cruise?

The summer months, especially June, July, and August, are the peak travel season for cruises. This is primarily due to families taking advantage of school holidays and vacation time. With increased demand, cruise prices tend to be higher during these months.

What is the coldest month in the Caribbean?

With 28 island nations, the Caribbean is a diverse and beautiful region of the world with a consistent, tropical climate. Although January is the coldest month in the Caribbean, you'll still experience beautifully warm temperatures, with hot days and slightly cooler nights.

What Caribbean islands do not allow cruise ships?

  • Marie-Galante, Guadeloupe Islands.
  • La Desirade, Guadeloupe Islands.
  • Little Cayman, Cayman Islands.
  • Tobacco Caye, Belize.
  • Guanaja, Bay Islands, Honduras.
  • Utila, Bay Islands, Honduras.
  • Big Corn Island, Nicaragua.
  • Little Corn Island, Nicaragua.

What time is year to avoid Caribbean?

Aside from the prices, summer is the worst time for most people to visit the Caribbean. The weather can be uncomfortably hot and muggy at the best of times. More important, summer is also the hurricane season. The risk of hurricanes is especially high in August and September.

What months are best to go to the Caribbean?

The best time to visit the Caribbean is in the dry season, from mid-December through April.

What months are bad weather in Caribbean?

When is hurricane season in the Caribbean? According to the U.S. National Weather Service (NWS), hurricane season in the Caribbean runs from June 1 through November 30 and normally peaks in August and September.

What islands to avoid in the Caribbean?

Some of the most dangerous Caribbean Islands to visit are Haiti, Trinidad, Tobago, and surprisingly Puerto Rico. These islands have more crime in general, and you should visit with increased caution. It doesn't mean they can't be visited, but you should take extra precautions.

What day is the cheapest day to book a cruise?

Vacations can be expensive, so naturally, whenever there's a study that suggests ways to travel cheaper, it's worth digging into. According to an extensive study that followed price drops in the cruise industry, Thursdays may be the best day to book a cruise.

Do cruises get cheaper closer to the date?

As any seasoned traveler knows, you'll often find lower rates or free add-ons as the departure date approaches and the cruise line works to fill the ship.

What month is best to cruise to Bahamas?

If you want the best weather, you will want to cruise to the Bahamas in November, late April, or Early May. All of these months fall outside of the rainy season, as well as hurricane season. Plus, you are unlikely to encounter a cold front in November.

What is the cheapest month to cruise the Caribbean?

The cheapest months to cruise to the Caribbean are May, September and October. The peak season for the Caribbean is December to April when it is driest – cheaper months tend to experience more rainfall and the risk of hurricanes causing changes to itineraries.

What month is the cheapest to take a cruise?

What is the cheapest time to book a cruise? Prospective cruisers can usually find a lot of good deals at the beginning of the year during wave season, Goldberg-Glazer said. That period typically lasts from January until March. However, the optimal time to book may depend on when you plan to sail.

Where is the safest Caribbean island?

Top 4 safest Caribbean islands to visit in 2023
  • St. Barts. Saint-Barthélemy, or St. ...
  • Anguilla. The U.S. Department of State named Anguilla one of the safest islands in the Caribbean. ...
  • The Cayman Islands. The Cayman Islands implement some of the strictest gun laws of any Caribbean territory or nation. ...
  • Martinique.

Which Caribbean is the safest?

Top 4 safest Caribbean islands to visit in 2023
  • St. Barts. Saint-Barthélemy, or St. ...
  • Anguilla. The U.S. Department of State named Anguilla one of the safest islands in the Caribbean. ...
  • The Cayman Islands. The Cayman Islands implement some of the strictest gun laws of any Caribbean territory or nation. ...
  • Martinique.

What months to avoid for cruising the Caribbean?

Caribbean Seasons
Rain is more frequent in the wet season, but the temperatures are warmer. Wet season and dry season are both good times to cruise the Caribbean. The worst time for a Caribbean cruise weather-wise is August to September, as it is peak hurricane season.