Where in Spain gets the most sun?

Where in Spain gets the most sun? 1. Alicante, Spain: For a daily dose of vitamin C. Located on Spain's southeast coast, Alicante has the highest number of sunny hours in Europe. With an average of 349 hours of sunshine per month (an average month has 730 hours in total, including nighttimes), it's a dream destination for sun lovers.

What is the best microclimate in Spain?

According to the newspaper, the best microclimates are those of Torrox, Nerja, and Almu?ecar on the eastern coast and Marbella on the western coast. The nearby mountain at Marbella protects the city from getting too hot in summer.

What is the driest place in Spain?


Is Spain the sunniest country in Europe?

The top 3 sunniest cities in Europe Unsurprisingly, Spain and Italy take the top spots. Topping the list, the city of Alicante in Spain has an average of 349 hours of sunshine per month and an average yearly temperature of 19°C. An ideal climate for enjoying the beautiful beaches of Costa Blanca!

What is the gloomiest city in Europe?

Despite its reputation as a vibrant and friendly place, Glasgow is the least sunny of Europe's major cities, with an average of just 1203 hours of sunshine a year. Glasgow becomes especially cloudy during summer when from June to September it receives less sunshine per month than other European cities.

Is Seville unbearable in summer?

Summertime heat in Seville can be unbearable with temperatures averaging in the mid-90s (air conditioning becomes a highly sought after commodity). But the hot weather does have its advantages: Cold beer never tasted better, and nighttime temperatures are great for evenings spent at rooftop bars and outdoor patios.

Where in Spain is not too hot in summer?

La Palma (Canary Islands) The greenest and most mountainous of the Canary Islands is cooler on average than the other islands in Spain's Atlantic archipelago, with average summer temperatures on the coast staying below 28C.

Is Spain the hottest country in Europe?

Thanks to its inclusion of the Mediterranean coast, plenty of European countries experience warm winter weather. However, Spain tends to be Europe's hottest country in summer and winter due to its southern location.

Why is Seville so hot in summer?

Here, this bustling city sees some of the hottest temperatures in the country, due to its location away from the cooling influence of the coast.

Where is the sunniest place in Spain in the winter?

Andalucia is the hottest part of Spain in winter. It's the best bet for a warm honeymoon destination in Europe for couples who choose to marry in winter. Between November and February, most of the places we mention here maintain a sunny outlook. Making it ideal for a beach holiday.