Where was The Beach filled?

Where was The Beach filled? Danny Boyle's film of the Alex Garland novel was filmed on Hat Maya, the main beach of Phi Phi Leh Island, near Phuket, Thailand, amid allegations of ecological vandalism when imported palms were planted to make the 'perfect' beach even more perfect.

Why is it called The Beach?

The word 'beach' comes from Old English 'bæce' (stream). In the period of King Henry VIII the round worn-out pebbles on the British seashore were called beaches.

Where is the waterfall from the movie The Beach?

The special effects crew digitally added some of the surrounding mountains during the post-production phase. The waterfall scene, where DiCaprio and others jump from a high cliff to the water below, was filmed in Khao Yai National Park in central Thailand, at the Haew Suwat Waterfall.

Where was The Beach inspired from?

Maya Bay in Phi Phi was used as the location of the beach in the movie but the actual inspiration for the book is rumoured to be Haad Tien on Koh Phangan, in the Gulf of Thailand, specifically the hippy community that started up in 1990 - the year the book is set - and evolved into The Sanctuary resort.